Photo walk

in #ecency6 months ago

Photo walk

A day walk in the forest, I tried to find something simple in everything without having to over think to create something strong. Here are the some pictures of everything I can see and find while walking, as usual, I find more and more snakes quietly crawling here, there are really a lot of them in this little forest at the end of this summer.
so when I look up, a woodpecker sits on a big branch right above my head and looks for seeds in the cones. It tucking on there in a big hurry like it's his last day of eating, or it senses that winter is coming soon, and it trying to build up his fat stores quickly. :))

I be soon back what more photos, I still have warm days and I can make lot long photo walks.

I was use here my Sony A6000
I was use here my Sony E 30 mm Macro lens
and I was use here my Sony E 55-210 mm lens.


Beauty in the macro! Once again, I must fear any type of snake. Be careful while you take their shots, keep a safe distance. I can see the producers, consumers of the foodchain in this blog.

Thank you!! :))

Great, your walk friend, that forest is incredible for photographs of nature and all its values. Greetings and that part is the best because you still have several walks left before the arrival of winter

Thank you!! :) ... I be soon back what more photos .

That grasshopper I like the photo but the snake gives the creeps.

Thank you!!

nature at its best

YEs .... there is all time something , and something hunts as :))

Wow that grasshopper looks crazy fox! Heheh

Thank you!!

This is so beautiful ❤️

Beautiful images as usual, wht is the fruit or vegetable??

Thank you!! .... man not say you not know what it is :)))

We have a woodpecker that hangs out in the woods behind our house. Lots of dead trees for him to pluck about in. Sometimes it gets annoying, but other times it is quite soothing to hear him pecking away.

Ah :)) and still..... your mailbox is not full of acorns and nuts 😆🤗, I have heard that it has happened a lot in that country

Oh really? No, none of that. Just mostly earwigs and junk mail!

😆😆 that is good start also :)))

Wow, this is an amazing shot.

Thank you!!

You're welcome.

The woodpecker looks cute and I guess it's looking for something to fed on. Beautiful photography as usual.

Thank you!!

Wow I so much love this shots I must actually confess.

Thank you!!

Greetings @foxkoit ,

Lovely acorns and grasshopper....Such an amazing green in the forest....thank you!

Cheers, Bleujay

Thank you!! :)

nice pictures. i like them.

Thank you!! I am very happy that you like it ;) 😇

Nice shots there!

Thank you!! :) 😋

I have 4 different species of Woodpeckers who frequent my trees. But thankfully no poisonous snakes around here.
Great photos.

Thank you!! .... Ah , I just was post more snakes ;)

This is really a very beautiful image

Thank you 😄👌

Wow lovely shots

Very nice photography

Thank you 👌😅☕