
You're lucky indeed!I wonder if these animals are wild or dangerous!

Oh ... they are not so dangerous :)) if you not annoy them and you let them be calmly there in forest :)

😃..okay!Just like street dogs that won't bite unless provoked!☺️

Yes :)) in the city you need to be more concerned about what might fall off the roof or if someone rushes a car down the street ;) :)) 😊

😅..Oh, hehe! It means it safer having them around only when left untouched! I'm glad I learned new information about these animals not common in my country. Wild chickens are most common but local stories have it that these should not be killed for food for they're tamed by forest elements or fairies.
Thanks for this informative post @foxkoit!☺️

Npr :)) .... I try get soon more Fox photos .
I hope new week they are up .

Looking forward to more informative blogs with you @foxkoit. Take care and God bless!☺️