How can you teach your child social boundaries?

in #ecency3 years ago

After the age of three, the child starts to leave the house and socialize. Since there was contact with other people at that time, he should learn the limits of behavior there. Guidance from parents is absolutely necessary to learn where to stand and where to give rejection to others.

Privacy education is teaching that no one else will touch the private part of the child's body unless he or she gives permission. For example, the mother gives the child a bath. From that age, it is necessary to teach the child to take the bath himself. Let the child wash those parts of his body himself. The child learns that those areas are special without realizing it. For example, there are some people who love their child, they love their butt. The child whose butt is loved perceives it as a pleasure zone in the brain, learns.

It is also a social limit to teach that one cannot enter the bedroom of parents without knocking on the door at night. While the parents love the child, it is necessary to love by respecting their private areas. If we teach this, the child learns to protect himself. Generally, children learn by imitation and repetition until the age of 6. He usually imitates what he sees. After that, a sense of autonomy gradually develops and becomes himself in adolescence.

Raised very limitless and irresponsible, loosely disciplined children are brought up in an egocentric way, as if the world revolves around them. Other children have strict discipline. In strict discipline, the child is constantly brought up to 'don't do that, don't touch that, don't do that'. Even the mother does what the child needs to do. In such cases, the child thinks, 'I can't do it, I can't succeed'. He can't say 'No' when someone does something to him. He thinks he will not be loved when he says 'no'. However, the child has to say no to his mother, even to his father. The child who is reacted to asking questions and making objections at home becomes passive and cowardly. Child with no self-confidence becomes social phobic