Our Cause, Our Effect!

Things happen in life in a 'cause-and-effect' pattern.

So, when a cup of tea, scalding hot, falls on you feet—cause— the effect of this would be a loud cry or really ferocious movements.

Our actions, responses and habits follow this same pattern.
They are a function of the thread of Cause and Effect.

Think about when someone looks at you cunningly, you are thrown into guard. This maybe owing to a psst experience where a similar look landed you in trouble.

How about wheb you see a madman on the streets and you give him pretty much distance. This is probably because madmen are pretty much 'very violent' where you come from.

There's always a cause for an effect.
The way we respond to certain situations is probably based on the information our brains have stored over time, which could include our past experiences, environment and, sometimes, inherent traits.

If we agree to this, then we must also agree that "to change an effect, we would have to change the cause."

This ability is what sets us apart from other animals.
The ability to change our responses, attitude, habits and overall personality. This we can, by creating a change on 'causes' which invariably creates a change on effects (vuala!)

There are Indeed many things that inform our personality (causes), but these two are quite outstanding:



The information we let into our eye and ear gates exerts Influence on our personality (responses).

So for a man who has poor writing strategy, searching out information that would improve this area of life, would be a cool step into change.

For someone who has poor relationship status, gathering information on this areas would be rewarding.

Perception, on the other hand, is a quite murky concept. However, in this context, we look at how our perception of things can influence our responses.

What do you make of things around you? (What is your perception of them)

On this journey to self-development, let us be delicate about perception and information, and we'll get plent of the effects we've been seeking😊