The move of US banning tiktok

in #ecency5 years ago

I know a lot of you reads about how tiktok collects data and sending it to Chinese government but what I give you here is other side of story. Let's think outside the box and most of the media's don't want you to hear or know.

For me the move of US banning tiktok is nothing to do with the privacy. The EO that POTUS signed will be effective 45 days from the time of Signing.

It's about WeChat software developed by China's Tencent Holdings Ltd. WeChat evolves to all-purpose app it allows people to use for payment and now aiming for a cross-border payment between Chinese and American companies. In China businessmen cannot move without WeChat its essential for them.


After the signing the EO Tencent shares fell by 1.5%. Tiktok is in talk with Microsoft, the said talk will be end by September 15.

Facebook also rolled out a Tiktok clone on its Instagram service this week - well timing.

Remember libra now novi, how the Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg was chop off by the US senators and I recommend it to watch the video. This will be the fate of all emerging technologies in the US.

The US really need to adopt new technologies or it will gonna leave behind. They need to clarify its regulations regarding emerging technologies. Western technologies losses its battle in Asia, EU and now its own backyard.


The recent rally by dogecoin which has no use case at all and developers clearly stated that there is no other roadmap/development for dogecoin was made by tiktokerz challenge.

The number of tiktok users is millions in US alone 100 million ans a hundred of millions globally. The same with WeChat which has 1.2 billion users globally.

The good thing is US plays the way China played and the bad thing is China play the way US played.