Smile in front of those who hate you.
It's a definite victory over them.
In front of those who attack you harshly
Keep your love alive.
It was a win-win situation.
Be humble and envious of you
In front of the attackers
Be confident and uplifted.
It's a definite victory over them.
In front of those who are attacking you to discredit you
Try to stay calm and upright.
It's a definite victory over them.
In fact, I was jealous
People who degrade another person
They themselves have no dignity
It's kind of advertising.
The weak in the world hide their sins
The sins of others have been magnified
They are often abusive.
The beauty of a sky
The stars of the night are painted.
The beauty of a painting
The beauty of a life
Emotions paint.
So who and how
Let the spirits be low
Keep your spirits high.
Only then will your life be beautiful and dignified.