How I realized I was pregnant?

in #ecency4 years ago

How I realized I was pregnant?screenshot_2021_08_17_12_12_56_53.jpg

I’ve never taken fertility for granted. But three days before I missed my period, I was kind of 100% sure about being pregnant…

We were going for a run and didn’t manage to go further than our backyard when I said excitedly to my boyfriend: I’M PREGNANT! My breasts felt so sore that running hurt. And I realized that it would explain the untypical tiredness I had felt for a few weeks... First I thought it was anemia and started to eat iron supplements.

It took a few days and my periods were late. I smiled a lot to myself because I was so happy!! But I was really busy by working on the next issue so it took 5 days after my first symptoms that we went to town... And I bought my first pregnancy test.

I was calm when I saw the test was positive - I wasn’t expecting anything else. But when I told my boyfriend my whole body was just shaking strongly. At the same time my feeling was the most natural and unreal!

One fun fact is that without knowing yet that I’m pregnant, we had just planted my favorite tree in our yard, Magnolia, and my boyfriend named it after me… But in my mind I will always associate the tree with this baby. When I watch our Magnolia changing and growing, I always think about how our baby is growing and developing in my uterus at the same time.


Beautiful story! I wish you a healthy and joyful baby!