Is "safety" the real reason schools are closed for today's solar eclipse?

in #eclipse10 months ago

By John C. A. Manley

For today's solar eclipse, USA Today reports: "Some schools are planning early dismissal, late drop-off, switching to e-learning or closing altogether on the day of the eclipse. For some, it's a matter of safety and for others, simply logistics."

Gotta keep those kids safe, eh? From fake pandemics, from climate change and, now, from the sun itself.

While I'm all for keeping kids out of government indoctrination centres, the safety argument makes little sense to me. If they were really concerned about safety, then they'd just close the curtains during class.

It feels like the government is trying to make people afraid of being outside. Better stay home and stare at a little screen.

I remember there was an eclipse when I was in high school. A few of us ditched class to go watch it. We brought some household items (colander, magnifying glass, pinhole cereal box) that we used to project the celestial event onto paper.

One of the kids also brought his pet ferret.

None of us went blind. Not even the ferret.

For this solar eclipse, I’m a little west of the best geographically viewing location. We had super-thick cloud cover this morning, but it’s clearing up. So I’ll be making a pinhole camera again and watching the world come to an end.

No ferret this time around. I never liked Matt’s ferret — a cross between a snake and a rat with the personality of a hamster.

Now, if schools were really concerned about safety they wouldn’t allow cell phone towers to be erected on school property. The dangers of turning schools into 5G hotspots is being discussed at the 2024 EMF Hazard Summit which starts this Thursday. If you haven’t yet, you can still register for this free online event.

John C. A. Manley is the author of Much Ado About Corona: A Dystopian Love Story, the forthcoming All The Humans Are Sleeping and other works of speculative fiction. You get free chapters from his novels by subscribing to his Blazing Pine Cone email newsletter at

Image: Pixabay

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I believe the solar eclipse does not need schools to be closed down. It is not actually needed and I guess the government does not know what they are doing

I wonder how long the government want to keep people at home and let’s remember that’s what they did in the Covid season too. It is really crazy and they need to do better

My god this is ridiculous... Governments want people to be always scared of something, always feeling emergency, emergency= control

It is better to close the school to avoid accidents and boys and girls may panic

It's better to close schools forever to avoid the growing stupidity.

Government is a game of politicians. I always cease every opportunity to get what they want. But in any case, our children safety too should not be compromised.

I wondered about this too. Everything is a crisis or an emergency lately. I wonder if they're just doing it to get tax money or emergency services. It's either a money thing or a psyop or possibly a little of both.

It does seem like they're trying to make the general public afraid of everything and it's really getting out of control now.

This wasn't my first eclipse either, and I never remember them making such an issue of it. They certainly didn't cancel school or declare a state of emergency. These are bizarre times we're living in. People need to start asking themselves what's going on and asking why are they doing it!

Great point about the tax money - it's all a big grift, generally speaking. If they can get a few psyop points out of it, then it's a bonus :-) Thanks for commenting!

All over the world the same! Elites destroy our judgment and perception. At every opportunity, they try to create another reality by exaggerating the facts. They want us fearful and obedient

It didn't happen in our country so people didn't say anything

i don't think so ,this is the thing to get scared of.

It is better to close the school to avoid accidents and boys and girls may panic

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