When parents make the decision to make significant changes such as moving to another city or country, it is necessary to explain to children without detours about the current situation, to do it safely, confidently and explaining why it is necessary to do so.

Although at first it is difficult for them to understand it or simply to agree, it is important to remain calm and talk about how positive the new decision will be for everyone.
Keep communication
The change of home and school for children can generate some kind of anguish or sadness so it is important to maintain communication, be understanding of the feelings, fears and doubts that may have in the acceptance process.

The days prior to the move, it is necessary to talk to them and search together through the Internet, such as the new city or country, climate, customs and recreational centers, to let them know positive and real expectations about the new home. Being attentive to any question the child has regarding their future environment, will make them feel secure.
Be calm
Faced with such an important action decision, parents may be experiencing some kind of anxiety due to the changes that are to come, it is important to take a short break from daily activities, maintain control of your actions and emotions in the face of any adversity presented.

Clear a bit, it will make you feel focused and sure of your actions so that you can transmit it to children at all times.
United is better
Working together to pack the things of the home will make them feel that they are supporting themselves, do it neatly, joyfully and in advance to avoid discomfort with each other, remembering some moments lived together in the home will make them feel a little nostalgic, but it will serve Accept the new decision, understand how important and valuable are the memories of your old home.

Speak with enthusiasm about new things and activities to do when they are in their new home, in order to create emotions of joy and show that they will be together.
Make a party, is a good option to make the farewell happy and with good times to remember with family and friends, make some gifts to deliver to family members, so they understand that they will not be forgotten by their loved ones. Agree on how they will be in contact (whatsapp, facebook or skype).

Say goodbye with a see you soon and remind them that they will always be waiting to meet again
Be happy and excited to have met the goal proposed several months ago, relax and rest after the trip is a good choice. Comforting each other by being positive of new experiences to live.

Settling with enthusiasm will generate a sense of security and well-being in the children in the new house, transmit security and calmness to reduce the anxiety caused by the trip
A new beginning
The beginning of the child's activities, may still be anxious or insecure so it is important to be alert to any change in behavior or mood, be patient to the adaptation that goes through.

Monitor your adaptation is essential, know how to develop in your new environment, detect any discomfort or discomfort and show that you can improve the situation, support him to make new activities with his new friends
Connection with your friends and family
Social networks today make communication between relatives and friends who are in different places very easy, taking advantage of these options to maintain the relationship. Encourage them to do it in a fun way. The value of friendship is important for children, not least because of their ability to maintain a long-distance relationship.
The adaptation will be achieved as they become established, new activities will awaken the interest to conquer more of their environment and be more receptive to the new environment. All children face the situation in a different way, not comparing them in a derogatory way, understanding their feelings, feeling empathy, with your support they will be able to accept and overcome the new change