Thank you my dear @senorcoconut.
And please make no mistake that the concept of our not being fit for holding the knowledge we held so long ago and thrived with, is put upon us only by the slavemasters. They poison us from every angle to render us vulnerable, particularly to fear. And they program us from the time we're able to understand speech, to believe we're not fit.
Trust me when I say that we are perfectly fit to function as per our original design, to live, to love, to explore, and to indeed know our true selves, a knowing that grows with each new lifetime until such time we no longer have need of further lifetimes here. That is, unless the knowing is somehow artificially squelched by entities wishing to keep us indentured over countless lifetimes for their own purposes.
The fear that keeps them awake at night is the fear of our no longer being afraid. It takes real courage to no longer fear, particularly from within the brain fog in which their toxins hold us. But it's happening anyway, in spite of all else. We are spirit, and spirit is indestructible, and has always and will always prevail. Love cannot fail...not for very long, anyway.
With sincerest appreciation and love,
I love to hear that we are in deed fit to handle the real truth and knowledge. I'm finding it hard to really really believe all the different theories on our enslavement.... there are so many possibilities!
What if the matrix was making us think there is a matrix and if we ever got out we would actually be in that very first matrix or yet a different one. You know, multiple level mind control or something?
And what if it was all just an idea and what we see is what we really are. Humans cannot really ole on to secrets all that well in general