I cry over human unconsciousness, over the realization that little human beings like my three-year-old neighbor will no longer be forest creatures because the fires of human greed and negligence have swallowed up the endless green of our ancestors, the endless green of our tranquility, the sources of physical lives.
My grandparents, like their grandfathers, my grandparents, like their great-grandfathers, the great-grandparents of all great-grandparents, lived with the earth and from the earth. My parents respected the Earth that fed them, dressed them, gave them water and shelter. They were not made aware of the environmental movements, did not teach it in schools or read it online.
They had the awareness and wisdom of newcomers passing through on this planet, and without too much effort, knew that the Earth gives endlessly when we give it very little, in the form of respect, gratitude, and wise management of its gifts. They planted trees, planted trees that gave them fresh healthy juicy fruits, planted vegetables to feed their bodies, planted medicinal plants to heal them, planted flowers to smell and brighten their daily routine.
Grandpa was without a fist, but that didn't stop him from sowing, planting, cultivating. My ancestors kept the seed holy and a blessing for the next sowing season and watched with gratitude as new life sprung from it. Just like Earth, they looked at the night starry sky with reverence and taught us children where the constellation is.
Technological progress has taken place. Yes, that's what they call the period in which everything that is human is rapidly declining, that oblivion of the coexistence of Man and Earth, that oblivion of the coexistence of Man and the Universe. Monsanto also came to poison Earth's gifts. With Monsanto, the seeds of my and your ancestors' lives were slowly disappearing, with him the consciousness and wisdom of Man.
The stars began to shine through the veil of polluted haze. Man has decided to abandon his Humanity and poison our sources, our rivers, our lakes with plastic and rubbish. Our sea, our oceans, and the beautiful Beings to which Gaie is the only home. Greed for money and power also came and made the tissue of the Earth to be torn and concreted wherever it came, to deplete and destroy natural resources.
Strange and unfamiliar names came, and isolation, bitterness, hopelessness, loneliness, and depressingly panic disorder came. A man with a big "C" is increasingly becoming a "human machine" without consciousness, without wisdom, surrounded by concrete and garbage, cloaked in a cloak of alienation and unconsciousness. Man has lost all touch with his divine Humanity.
Man kills his own Life in the third dimension every day, and then the sick twitches like a wounded beast, bitterly wondering and asking the angry God, "Why me?" Why is this happening to me? ”Without thinking that he has been involved in the murder of his third dimensional home, the murder of planet Earth, all his life.
And planet Earth is wounded, worn out, healed, abused daily by acts of the unconscious in human bodies. And in spite of everything, the planet Earth is still patiently waiting for us to become aware, to gather, to remember, to restore the wisdom of the coexistence of Man and Earth. The disappearing civilizations like Lemuria and Atlantis have already shown us that every patience comes to an end, and so does the planet. How many more times will it take for an entire civilization to break into man?
There are many motivational speakers who direct us to focus on the positive side of life. As a rule, I agree with such a principle, the most positive experience possible should be drawn from every situation. But still I cannot walk the blind world, ignore or raise my voice as my Home, my beautiful Cow, is destroyed and vanished.
Unconscious man WAKE UP! Time inexorably runs out with every one of your destructive deeds. Get moving! Do something! Plant a tree, a plant. a flower.
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