story of ulama aceh part 1

in #ecology7 years ago (edited)

Abu Ibrahim Woyla is a nomadic scholar. This cleric in Aceh society is better known as Abu Ibrahim Keramat. It has never happened in history in Woyla (West Aceh) when a person dies thousands of people come to mourning (takziah) except at the death of Abu Ibrahim Woyla. For almost 30 days the death of Abu Ibrahim Woyla Acehnese people flocked to the village of Pasi Aceh, Woyla Induk District, West Aceh as the final resting place of Abu Ibrahim Woyla. For 30 days thousands of people every day never stop coming to convey deep sorrow for the death of Abu Ibrahim Woyla, so the family provides 400 water aqua glass box and three cows each day from the donation of former Aceh Governor Irwandi Yusuf to entertain guests who come silih switch to the place of the death of Abu Ibrahim Woyla. Such is the influence of the scholars of Abu Ibrahim Woyla in the eyes of the people of Aceh, especially in the area of ​​the south west coast of Aceh.

Abu Ibrahim Woyla named Teungku (Ustadz / Kiyai) Ibrahim bin Teungku Sulaiman bin Teungku Husen was born in Pasi Aceh village, Woyla district, West Aceh district in 1919 AD According to history, the formal education of Abu Ibrahim Woyla only had time to finish the People's School SR), the rest took education Dayah (Salafi / Traditional Pesantren) for almost 25 years. so in the history of his lifetime Abu Ibrahim Woyla had studied 12 years on Sheikh Mahmud a scholar from Lhok Nga Aceh Besar who later founded Dayah Bustanul Huda in Blang Pidie subdistrict, Aceh Barat Daya. Among Shaykh Mahmud's disciples is Abu Ibrahim Woyla and Abuya Sheikh Young Waly Al-Khalidy who then Abu Ibrahim Wayla studied him, Abuya Muda Waly was a prominent scholar of tareqat naqsyabandiyah in Aceh.
According to information, Shaykh Muda Waly only had time to study on Sheikh Mahmud about 3 years, then moved to Aceh Besar and studied at Abu Haji Hasan Krueng Kale and Abu Hasballah Indrapuri. after which Sheikh Young Waly moved to Padang and studied at Sheikh Jamil Jaho in Padang Panjang. several years in Padang Sheikh Muda Waly continued his education to Mecca, then Sheikh Muda Waly returned to the field and returned to South Aceh to establish a Traditional Pesantren in Labuhan Haji Aceh Selatan. It was then that Abu Ibrahim Woyla had known that Shaykh Muda Waly had returned from Mecca and established Dayah, so Abu Ibrahim Woyla again studied at the young Sheikh Waly to deepen the science of tareqat naqsyabandiyah. But before that Abu Ibrahim Woyla had studied at Abu Calang (Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad) and Teungku Bilal orphan (Suak) along with his contemporaries namely (late) Abu Adnan Bakongan.

After more than three years of tareqat knowledge on the young Sheikh Waly, Abu Ibrahim Woyla returned to his hometown, but shortly after that Abu Ibrahim Woyla began to wander where his own family did not know where Abu Ibrahim Woyla went wandering. According to the narrations of Teungku Nasruddin (son-in-law of Abu Ibrahim Woyla) during his lifetime Abu Ibrahim Woyla had disappeared from his family for three times, First, Abu Ibrahim Woyla took away for two months; Second, Abu Ibrahim Woyla disappeared for 2 years and Third, Abu Ibrahim Woyla self-removal for 4 years unknown to where the go.

In this last time Abu Ibrahim Woyla returned to his family in Pasi Aceh, the family can not think of the changes that occurred in Abu Ibrahim Woyla. His hair and beard had been so long unkempt, his clothes were ragged and his nails were long. maybe we can imagine someone who disappeared for 4 years and did not have time to take care of him. That's the condition of Abu Ibrahim Woyla when returning to the middle of his family after 4 years disappeared, then naturally if the worldly in such conditions some people Woyla think Abu Ibrahim Woyla is out of his mind again.
Abu Ibrahim Woyla by many people is known as a rather quiet cleric and this has become innate as a child to old age. He only communicates when there are things that need to be delivered so that many people who do not dare to ask about things that seem strange when done Abu Ibrahim Woyla. The attitude of Abu Ibrahim Woyla like that is very felt by his family, but because they already know the nature and nature, so the family can only surrender to the choice of way of life traveled by Abu Ibrahim Woyla which sometimes his attitude and his actions are absurd. But that's how people know the figure of Abu Ibrahim Woyla.

Abu Ibrahim Woyla has two wives, the first wife named Rukiah, from the result of this marriage Abu Ibrahim Woyla was blessed with 3 children, a man and two women. a man named Zulkifli and a woman named Salmiah and Hayatun Nufus. While in the second wife he married in Peulantee, West Aceh, two years before he died was not blessed with a child.

According to the story when his first wife was 6 months pregnant for the first child that Ummi Rukian conceived, Abu Ibrahim Woyla's condition was unstable, so he told his wife "I want to split your stomach to see our child," Abu Ibrahim Woyla told his wife. at that time made his family can not think of what Abu Ibrahim Woyla said to his wife. Since such words are considered unreasonable words, the family anxiously says we do not know what Abu Ibrahim Woyla is referring to in order to split the belly of his six month pregnant wife. Nevertheless, the words he uttered never did.

In 1954 it was actually a very happy year for married couples because it was the first child born of the couple Abu Ibrahim Woyla and Ummi Rukiah, but the presence of the first one for Abu Ibrahim Woyla was not anything special. Abu Ibrahim Woyla then only came home to visit his newborn son, then he went back to wandering somewhere. When his first son who was named Salmiah was big, according to Teungku Nasruddin's story then the condition of Abu Ibrahim Woyla back to normal living with his family. And at that time Abu Ibrahim Woyla had time to open the plantation land in Suwak Trieng to become an abandoned property for his family in the future.
At that time the life of Abu Ibrahim Woyla with his family was very harmonious until the birth of the second child, Hayatun Nufus and his third son Zulkifli. All his family are very grateful for Abu Ibrahim Woyla has lived with his family. But what can be said, shortly after the birth of his third son Abu Ibrahim Woyla again left his family and some where. So Ummi Rukiah could no longer stand the ignorance of Abu Ibrahim Woyla to the family's livelihood, his wife asked to go back to Blang Pidie his native land.

His wife's reason for returning to Blang Pidie is right, because according to him Abu Ibrahim Woyla no longer cares for his family, he is only fun to own his own and go where he likes. however, Ummii Rukian's desire to return to Blang Pidie did not materialize because Allah united Abu Ibrahim Woyla and his wife until the end of his life.

When we hear stories and stories about Abu Ibrahim Woyla during his life does not change as we read the story of the Sufis and tashawwuf experts. There are many acts that Abu Ibrahim Woyla did during his lifetime that sometimes can not be accepted rationally, because the events he played include beyond the reach of human reason. To recognize the behavior of Abu Ibrahim Woyla must use other natural minds to find the answer what Abu Ibrahim Woyla did was true.

Alm. Abu Ibrahim Woyla traveled to a place

These were the wonders attached to Abu Ibrahim Woyla's sosook, which some scholars in Aceh considered Abu Ibrahim Woyla to be a cleric who had reached the level of Wali Allah (Wali Allah). it was recognized Teungku Nasruddin, indeed a lot of reports received by the family recounted about the wonders of the life of Abu Ibrahim Woyla. This is evident during his lifetime Abu Ibrahim Woyla always come to places where the people are always in distress, anxiety and his calamity is always there in the middle of that society. However, it is difficult for people to understand the intent and purpose of Abu Ibrahim Woyla for what he has visited such places, because his arrival did not bring any message or message to the people he came to. Abu Ibrahim Woyla only came to pray in the places he visited, said Teungku Nasruddin.

In this case Ustadz (Teungku abbreviated Tgk) Muhammad Kurdi Syam (a resident of Kayee Unoe, Calang who is familiar with Abu Ibrahim Woyla reported that Abu Ibrahim Woyla happened to be walking, he sometimes went into a certain house belonging to the community he was in, he circled the house a few times then stop right in the yard and facing him in the direction of the house with the remembrance LA ILAHA ILLALLAH that did not stop coming out of his mouth, after which Abu Ibrahim Woyla left the house.No one knows the meaning contained behind all is it so that the inhabitants of the house avoid the danger that will befall them or pray for the inhabitants of the house to be blessed by Allah? Wallahu A’lam.
According to Tgk Nasruddin, seen from his life, Abu Ibrahim Woyla seems no longer to need worldly things, he pointed out, if for example Abu Ibrahim Woyla has the money, the money can be exhausted in the blink of an eye distributed to the needy and usually Abu Ibrahim Woyla distributed the money to children in an unexpected amount (same as the practice of the Messenger of Allah). Such is the life of Abu Ibrahim Woyla in everyday life.

Another miracle that makes people unexplained and wonder is about the speed he traveled on foot that turned out faster than a motorized vehicle. It is the habit of Abu Ibrahim Woyla when going everywhere always on foot without using sandals. For people who do not know him can assume that Abu Ibrahim Woyla figure is not normal. Because in addition to his appearance that is not neat, his mouth continues to mumble us say recitation while walking. Tgk Muhammad Kurdi Syam tells of Abu Ibrahim Woyla when walking in Teunom to Meulaboh (a journey that takes 1 to 2 hours by motor vehicle), which strangely Abu Ibrahim Woyla was first arrived in Meulaboh, whereas who had the car knew that there are other vehicles that precede the car, this incident is not once twice happened, even for people on the west coast who already assume that the excesses of the clerical cleric Abu Ibrahim Woyla extraordinary could not be reasoned by the minds of ordinary people.

because it is not surprising that Abu Ibrahim Woyla is in the market, for example, all the merchants in the market are hoping that Abu Ibrahim Woyla can stop at their shop, because they want to get God's blessing through Abu Ibrahim Woyla. But it is not that easy because Abu Ibrahim Woyla had his choice to stop by somewhere. As told by Tgk Muhammad Kurdi Syam, one day Abu Ibrahim Woyla was in Lamno, Aceh Jaya. then met a man named Samsul Bahri who was working at Abah Awe, when it happened that Abu Ibrahim Woyla brought two slices of lemang. When stopped by there Abu Ibrahim Woyla ask for a little water, after the water was given Samsul then Abu Ibrahim Woyla give two pieces of the lemon to Samsul but Samsul rejected it because according to Samsul that the lemang is alms given to Abu Ibrahim Woyla. because it does not want to be accepted Samsul, the lemang was thrown away Abu Ibrahim Woyla not far from his seat, spontaneously Samsul amazed by the actions of Abu who throw away the lemang just because, feeling guilty then Samsul want to take the discharged lemang, but unfortunately, taken the lemang was lost abruptly.
In another incident, Tgk Nasruddin told him one day (before Tgk Nasruddin became the son-in-law of Abu Ibrahim Woyla), suddenly morning shubuh Abu Ibrahim Woyla came to his alma mater to Pesantren Sheikh Mahmud, Abu Ibrahim Woyla's feet looked a little lame next to him walking. The arrival of Abu Ibrahim Woyla was greeted by Tgk Nasruddin and other fellow subjects. Then Abu asked for some rice for breakfast, "the rice is there, but there are no side dishes of Abu" said Tgk Nasruddin, "It's okay, I eat eggs only, just look in the kitchen there may still be one egg filled "Replied Abu Ibrahim Woyla, then Tgk Nasruddin headed to the kitchen, it turns out in the place he used to store eggs there is one egg, but as memingatnya no more eggs because it was eaten.

Then while presenting the Rice to Abu Ibrahim Woyla, Tgk Nasruddin asked, "Why with Abu's feet?" Abu replied "I just came home from the hill of Qaf (Mecca), there are lots of shops but no sellers. But if we want to buy something we have to pay on the machine, otherwise we pay we will be arrested by the police ", Abu continued" after I shop at the stores then I take the train and very fast run, because I am afraid to sit on the train that, then I jumped and fell to make my legs slightly sprained, so I was a little limp, but soon also healed "

A similar incident was also experienced by Abu Ibrahim Woyla's own close family, one day Abu visited one of his siblings to ask for some rice with a starfish starle prawn dish, then the host told his wife to prepare rice with starfruit sauce for Abu Ibrahim Woyla, but his wife told her that her starfruit tree was no longer fruitful, "just yesterday afternoon I saw the star fruit again no fruit," said the wife to her husband. But her husband continues to urge his wife "let's see first, sometimes there are goods two three is enough to eat Abu" he said. Then his wife went to the tree behind the house, the star fruit was indeed obtained no more than three fruit on the tree that yesterday afternoon he saw.

Similarly, when going to marry the first child of Abu Ibrahim Woyla, namely Salmiah, msyarakat in the village see as Abu Ibrahim Woyla does not care about the wedding of his son. though the wedding would be a few days away, but Abu Ibrahim Woyla did not prepare anything to face his son's wedding, nor even the money he gave to the family for the needs of the event. But miraculously on the day "H" (wedding day lasts) it turns out the wedding ceremony took place bigger than the wedding parties of others who have prepared everything
That is part of the journey of a scholar and aulia Abu Ibrahim Woyla that is hard to find his successor in Aceh today. He passed away to Rahmatullah on Saturday at 16.00 WIB on July 18, 2009 at his son's house in Pasi Aceh Woyla Induk Sub-district, West Aceh District at the age of 90 years. The Santri Dayah Magazine Team has been on a pilgrimage to eat in mid-2012, looking at the food that is guarded by its eldest son, a lot of pilgrimage by the community. But the family is very careful and advised the pilgrims to eat Abu Ibrahim Woyla not be used as a place of worship (which brings to shirk).