I had no idea that there was an academic examination of environmental consequences of Hellenic thought!
The modern problem of misuse of terra firma lies in the concept of property ownership. In reality, even within the so-called "free-market" system, men merely rent land from the government/public, as they must pay annual tax/rent. Yet, the common perception, as well as official public policy, of modern society is "rights" to a piece of real estate with which a man may misuse the said property anyway he deems fit. And if a said piece of the Earth is not "owned" - ie international waters, public land, etc. - then the common perception incentivizes the exploitation of the public sphere.
The perverse idea that man "owns" the planet seems to be at the core of his spiritual illness.
Make sure to read the 2nd Edition, it's much better!
Ownership is one of the key ways in which we separate ourselves from nature. I'd absolutely agree that it's at the core of the spiritual disease rampant in modern civilization.