Why Indonesia's Economy Grow Not Achieved Target?

in #econimic7 years ago (edited)

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati said Indonesia's economic growth only grew 5.07% due to slowing household consumption. Although the export and investment sectors increased.

Source: [Indonesia Economic Growht](https://finance.detik.com/berita-ekonomi-bisnis/d-3851413/kenapa-ekonomi-ri-tumbuh-tak-capai-target-ini-jawaban-sri-mulyani?_ga=2.162454975.2092658917.1517834014-448484149.1509950576)
The former Managing Director of the World Bank said the government will continue to look for the causes of slowing household consumption, from inflation to other factors.
>> "What is the cause of this year's inflation is greater and especially we see in terms of purchasing power of the people who actually when viewed from the side of income and business sector," he explained. Sri Mulyani will also keep trying to realize the ideals of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) who want to make the economic growth of Indonesia is at level 7%. However, he continues to keep that growth sustainable and credible. One of them is to expand export production from originally dependent on replacing commodities with other value-added products. >> "Yes we will still try, but still 7% healthy inclusive so sustainable investment does not depend on commodities," he said.. >> "Because our consumption does not jump, if you see the economic growth can be up to 5-6% of its consumption growth is at the level of 5.5% even 6%," said Sri Mulyani in Istana Complex, Jakarta, Monday (5/2/2018). ![img]()