Why i believe there will be a world wide economic crash worse than 2008

in #economic9 years ago

Just to begin, i am not an economics expert, im just an average person that does research online and watches Youtube videos of people that i would deem as experts in the field.

I believe come October there will be an economic crash much greater than 2008, and perhaps the biggest of all time.

I strongly believe in economics there are cycles. There are housing market cycles and stock market cycles so why not economic crash cycles. If you go back to the 2008 Global Financial Crash, every 7 years previous there was a great economic crash or economic event.

Most notably 1987 there was the great Wall Street Crash, 1994 the Russian Ruble collapsed as well as the Bond market, 2001 was the great crash just after September 11 (a year before was the dot com crash), and we all know what happened in 2008.

Now apparently this year is the Golden Jubilee, so it extends from last year. What has happened this year? A lot, just go back to the start of the year when the Chinese stick market crashed and trillions was wiped off the market.

And more recently stock markets around the world plummeted right after the Brexit vote shocked everyone that thought Bristian would stay in the EU.

Interestlingly the Brexit vote occured an amazing 7 years, 7 months, 7weeks and 7 days after the crash of September 2008. Look at website for more information:


Add to all that the US stock market is at all time highs, does anyone really believe its regular investors propping up the stcok market, or the big banks making people believe all is right with the world, and to keep spending up big, racking up debt on thier credit cards, buying the house and car they cant afford?

What comes up must come down, the stock market when it finally crashes will crash hard. Don't believe me, well how about economists like Peter Shiff and Harry Dent, as well as many world renowned economists that say there will be a great crash later this year. Just search economic crash 2016 in YouTube. Also look up Smeetah, there is some very fascinating stuff. I'd also encouarge anyone reading this to subscribe to YouTube channels, Jsnip 4 (look up Realist News), The Dollar Vigilante and the x22 report.

My advise to anyone reading this would be to avoid buying stocks, its not a real asset. Lets face it noone really owns a part of a company. But property, physical gold and silver, those things are tangible.

One last saying i picked up online, if you can't touch it, you don't own it.

I hope you found my post interesting. Until next time, over and out.


Lets not forget how great it has been being invested in Bitcoin and other crypto's like Steem during economic crisis.

interesting perspective, my issue is with the way people get in debt

I personally am trying to get out of debt as fast as possible.
I dont know if we are going to have a world wide financial meltdown, but its a scary prospect at best.
We will just have to keep sn eye on things and see what happens i guess.

I upvote U