I'm working on a novel about the pending global economic collapse and I need your help...

 So, I've had this idea for a novel for a while and began writing it about 2 months ago. 

I'll give you the premise in brief: On a Thursday night, a bank in Germany declares a default on about 10% of their risky derivatives, which causes a cascading effect around the world, knocking down markets that have been propped up by criminal central banks for far too long. Markets crash, an outspoken politician is assassinated, the media dishes out more and more lies against its better judgement, and security increases overnight. 

There are around 6 main characters who start out in different parts of the world. My story is about what happens to them and how they survive (or not) this economic catastrophe. 

Here are my questions: 

1. As the dominos fall around the world, should I go with the WORST CASE SCENARIO ASAP or play it a little more realistic and work my way up to a total collapse? Or should I stick with the seemingly realistic outcomes, which might put everyone to sleep? 

2. If you think I should go with the worst case scenario pretty much from the get go (or around page 50), what kinds of events do you see as possible once the shit starts to hit the fan? I've thought of a false flag that launches a war in the Middle East. I DID NOT think of the Brexit, which totally caught me off guard. 

3. I plan to release this book before the election, so it may come out in 3 or more parts. What would you suggest should be the major themes of the parts? Any other suggestions or ideas are appreciated. And please keep the hating to a minimum -- writers as sensitive people. lol. I'll be sure to keep everyone apprised of my progress. 

I'm about 15,000 words in, but I feel like it's moving a bit slowly so far. I can't give away too much more, other than to suggest the characters PROBABLY will all come together at some point in the dystopian near future. 

p.s. If Jeff Berwick, Scott Corbett, or Dan Dicks is reading this, I'd love to do an interview with you guys and pick your brains.


Thanks for that! I read through it and find it very interesting. I think what you say about gold and silver being confiscated might not be realistic. The costs of INVOLUNTARY confiscation would be too high. Imagine them going door to door for everyone they suspect of owning the metals? Prohibitive costs. Plus, I think an underground economy based on gold, silver, and bullets might be more interesting. ;)

@traceystark it will be illegal to sell gold & silver not that you have to confiscated it the people will police themselves just with the idea of it.

Should there be an underground economy it will be fine there along with water , food , electricity.

If you save your gold for 50 years or just like last time you can publicly sell it and make a profit but you will not save your wealth but protect your children wealth.

I'm hoping for a better world to emerge not a complete breakdown of it thats why i think crypto currency is the way to go.

Realistic outcomes don't have to put people to sleep. I am a complete novice at writing but I feel like your writing style and ability to play with the readers emotions is really what should matter. If you are more confident in conveying the worst case catastrophic way to the reader I would do that et vice-versa.

EDIT: also since you haven't done an introduction post yet I would strongly recommend doing that if you are going to be a regular on here. Post some of your experience, what you plan on doing here and some proof of who you are. I can get you some exposure as well if you do this. Also I love reading dystopian stories so if you stick around I'll be a fan.

My favorite movies and books have always been the dystopian post-apocalyptic ones in which society falls apart. But I wanted to write this more as a cautionary tale. So... which is the most likely outcome of a global economic collapse THIS time around? Thanks for your input. My girlfriend really likes it so far, but my gut is saying pick up the pace. But to what end? Hmm...

Cool. It's a whole new world in here, so I don't know the protocol.