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RE: Concentration of Wealth and Power Under Capitalism

in #economics8 years ago (edited)

well I have little experience but from reading, I found something interesting.

"Soviet officers restrained Romanian soldiers and police from firing on civilians, and Soviet troops restored order"

"Despite the King's disapproval, the first Groza government brought land reform and women's suffrage. However, it also brought the beginnings of Soviet domination of Romania. I"

I feel like the lack of freedom came from somewhere else


not true about Soviets , search in youtube about Ceausecu and 1989 revolution from Romania ,
you will find a lot in English leanguge!

not true?

I need sources that are better than mine to prove you right

Mist understanding ,you talking about ww2 and I talking about 1989 revolution!!!

wait are you talking about how revolution is violent?