Stephen Goodson (A History Of Central Banking).

in #economics5 months ago

‘money hoarding has become a new secular religion’.

The quote from one of the reviewers towards the end. He makes the point that the book does have errors but most of the primary points stand as TRUTH writ large. I do have areas of uncertainty that I’ll cover in the next blog on this book. He also makes a note on antisemitism which will of course be dismissed by the powers that should not be. Please read the outro and think for yourself.

There was another banking panic in the United States in 1857 as a result of a fabricated shortage of gold and the failure of the Ohio Life Insurance and Trust Company. As has already been observed in Chapter IV, once the United States was forced on to the gold standard in January 1873, a pattern of more frequent and intensified banking panics evolved. Less than eight months later in September of that year the United States was premeditatedly plunged into a recession which lasted for four years.

The ensuing panics of 1884, 1890, 1890-1, 1893-4, 1897, 1903 and 1907 were all deliberately orchestrated so as to drive the American people into a state of confusion and despair. After 40 years of planned chaos, of boom and bust, as well as a targeted media campaign of disinformation, the population meekly capitulated and the banking conspirators’ dream of a United States central bank was realised on 23 December 1913.

Goodson, here, is telling us that project chaos is nothing new.

I’d highly recommend three books that are a must read for all people who care about truth and spirituality. I’ve already blogged on David Astle’s, The Babylonian Woe. And I’ve blogged on The Controversy of Zion, by Douglas Reed. He was one of the premiere journalist’s midcentury and was in Germany during the era of the Reichstag Fire. He was shocked by the narratives coming out of the MSM as they were the not at all what he was witnessing. This current read goes into more detail on that point.

This is the crux of the issue: when private bankers create money out of nothing and charge interest to the commons for this means of exchange they have created a horrifying fiction on a worldwide scale along with it being a crime against authentic spirituality. It’s also a crime against nature and environment. But it’s far worse as their one-two punch of political control on the right always uses this interest debt as a weapon for austerity against the common people. Here is the TRUTH: this money they created is *FICTION so the interest is FICTION too! There is absolutely nothing in REALITY that could stop JUBILEE policies en masse except for the fact that these criminals will never give up their primary method of control. Of course, their secondary method of control has long been the religions they created and hid behind. The fact is Constantine’s church was a storehouse for every precious metal they could hoard. It’s no accident that their prophecies are calling for a worldwide synthesis of money and religion headed out of Jerusalem.

Here is the simple and truthful thesis: the role of the State is primarily to create the means of exchange as a public service and whatever means they decide on cannot have interest charged to the citizenry attached to it. Every nation that has used this currency methodology became wealthy in very short periods of time with populations enjoying incredible happiness with abundant free leisure time. There was little inflation and the Four Basic Needs of Housing, Food, Education, and HealthCare were always easily affordable and often times free.

Every time this method of the means of exchange was destroyed by its detractors the same nations became embroiled in chaos and unhappiness. The fact that small percentages of people live incredibly good and happy lives under usury is missing the point in the most severe way.

NOTE* I’ve said previously that they are the best writers of fiction in the entire universe. None moreso than in religion. I’d also add that government debt is not like personal debt and they know this.

Part 2 to come.

But a few thoughts on current events. I see Alan Dershowitz is creating a new organization called


In it he will address the many grievances outlined in works like the one this blog deals with. He says he will never mention Marx in his rebuttals. I suggest Henry George as a very fine starting point. HAHA! Well…one could hope for sanity. But I want to make a point that victims, generally speaking, have no means to implement the declaration that _‘we are going to bankrupt and destroy you if you speak against us’…_Too late Alan, your pals already implemented your policy in my case. Only societal elites have the means to carry out this kind of pogrom. And he is not targeting dissenters in Israel. He’s targeting citizens in supposedly Gentile nations who are supposed to have constitutional rights and freedom of thought and word protection. 2+2=4 here and the math says Gentile nations are no longer ruled by Gentiles. But simply math today is a thought crime.

I was going to do a full blog on Project 2025 but I can’t muster the will to write about such convoluted bullshit. Other than to say it’s Constantine 33.0. This isn’t to say that they don’t have a few legitimate points when it comes to the destruction of the family unit for profit by you know who. But these morons side with the perps every time since Constantine. Any time Yahweh gets superglued to the Living Aeon Christ humanity undergoes tyranny. Lesson never learned. This is simply Christianity becoming frogs in boiling water while they wait for the Third Temple with its fusion of religion and money implemented by the Noahide Laws. When they do succeed with their beast system all these Christians will have to say Jesus is the Messiah and not the Son of God (no Trinity allowed) upon the threat of death. In the meantime we will have Christian fascist capitalist INGSOG.

And this: not the first time I’ve mentioned how important the Jesus as Jewish is to these bankers and atheist Jewish people. There is one guy who is relentless in his take down of the Bible (both old and new) and he has thousands of videos documenting the fictions within them yet, out of the same mouth, his words come out saying that there can be no god but this Jewish fictional one. UNBELIEVABLE! I can think of 100’s of other gods that could be possible yet he cannot–only the fictional Jewish god of the Bible could be true according to his assessments–wreaks of incoherent spookism.

And a note on Miles Mathis tussling with the Jewish bankers. I’ve often asked myself why they didn’t stop at NYC in 1913 or 1950? It was everything they wanted for the most part. Mathis frames that era as Mayberry and I totally agree but they didn’t have the good sense to see a sustainable win and are now inflicting Morder on the whole earth.

I’m going to leave this one unedited on my 65th birthday in all its grammatical ineptitude.