Stephen Goodson (Part 2).

in #economics4 months ago (edited)

Power, as it might have come to be called towards the ending of the so-called Middle Ages, now had to act fast if the tremendous power inherent in paper money issuance was not to be realized by some King of greater understanding and learning than the majority of them, and who might in no way be their friend, and so all their underground control of money metals as an instrument of their secret rule as built up during the so-called Dark Ages and Middle Ages, be rendered meaningless.

In this second blog on this book, I’ll focus on two financial histories: the first being the *Golden Age of the **‘Tally-Stick Era’ **of Anglo-Saxon England wherein the free time of the people was put towards building the most marvellous cathedrals. Just a note that my heritage is British and Canadian so my second review point will be on C.F. Douglas and how SOCIAL CREDIT was instantiated in Alberta mid-century and was later adopted by Japan and the major reason why the banking cartels waged war against Japan and Germany. Please note that the original excellent idea of the Social Credit has been inverted by the enemies of truth, beauty, and goodness.

I will not cover Germany here as the history is far too propagandized. I’ll only say that if it’s true that Hitler’s means of exchange policy led to a 7-year era of great wealth then it is something not to dismiss outright. But Hitler was also the worst failure in all human war history if we factor in normative stated goals and his decision-making at strategic points in the war years, argues that there is something very wrong with official narratives. All I’ll say here is that it is a FACT that the usurious central banking cartels came out as the clear winners after two world wars–we live within their paradigm today.

Before I get into this I wanted to state again that the Problem Of Money is so immersed in duplicity, obfuscation, and treachery that I believe humanity’s economic lives cannot be solved by the means of exchange (alone) at this time. The first obvious reason is that the usurious central bankers will never give up the advantage this method has afforded them. _The Venus Project _understands what I’m saying here and in the linked blog above I offer my ideas about how to solve the problem of money via other means.

Briefly, I suggest TWO ECONOMIES with one RESIDENTIAL covering our basic needs of FOOD, HOUSING, EDUCATION, and HEALTHCARE. This economy will be non-profit and the role of the State will be to issue a non-debt means of exchange along with intelligent implementation of private property rights for all as a birthright. I’ve suggested A.I. could map out between 250 to 500 SF of land for every person on Earth. See the link where I unpack this further. The second economy I call COMMERCIAL and could look very similar to what we have now minus the exploitation and coercion (and crimes) against humanity’s basic needs. The materials needed by anyone to build homes on their allotment would fall under the COMMERCIAL economy.

I wanted to point out what happens when we put the crack dealers of currency in charge of homes. Let’s take the facts of the 2008 crimes that were rewarded and not criminally prosecuted. These banking houses got wind of the notion of what I’m saying here and decided it’s a fair idea and that they should be put in charge of providing this essential need that humans have. How did these corrupt morons go about solving the housing crisis? By creating even more treacherous economic fiction like credit default swaps and normalizing sub-prime lending. The disastrous results speak for themselves and to rub salt into these treacherous wounds the governments they purchased bailed them out (once again) at the expense of the citizenry.


It was not long after that great event, when avidity awoke to a new life over the spoils of a plundered continent, that attempts were renewed to snatch the prerogative of money from the State. This time it was not the truculent Noble who impudently claimed a right that had once belonged to the Caesars, and boldly exercised it in defiance of the Crown, but the sneaking billioneur who stealthily sought to acquire it through the arts of falsehood, intrigue, and forgery.”

I’ve said in other blogs that oligarchy murders Republicanism which is the only viable option of governance for large-scale Christian populations. And it was the early oligarchs at the turn of the 20th century who murdered the American Republic and whose agents today have hijacked and inverted Christian religion as shown in the new fascist economics of Agenda 2025. Another Constantine 33.0 siding with the perpetrators of economic and spiritual crime _every single time. _The delusion here is the metaphysically impossible words– Judea-Christian– enacted socially by the word magic of antisemitism which in a single word makes all financial crime disappear and all critique of financial crime criminal.


In the world they saw ahead, and with them issuing all money, as by its being but paper promises of gold or silver, and therefore manipulated by their actual gold and silver, there would be little need for Kings. So they commenced an underground attack on the very institution of Kingship, and its essential meaning in relation to control of money issuance. The demotion of Kings from the position in which they were the absolute authority, the expression of God’s will upon this earth, had somehow to be achieved, and if achieved, so at least they thought, would set them and theirs above all Kings and earthly sovereignty.

This quote hits the bullseye and, as I’ve suggested many times, was the real reason behind modernity and the stealth poison arrow at the core of all things 1500 to the present.

This blog is headed for Part 3 where I’ll unpack England and Alberta’s attempts at addressing the means of exchange in a way that was good and fair to the commons.

I’ll end here with some more thoughts on Project 2025. Theocracy isn’t the solution to the societal mess and chaos that the international bankers have created in most nations on Earth. Secularism is not the problem although it need not be humanist as laid out in the secular humanist manifesto. Nothing is stopping a spiritual secular order. Here is what American Christians should do if they want to correct the ills of their country.

Reject wholesale Christian Zionism and return to a neutral position on the battles of Isaac and Ismael–this means in practice that the American military will not be used as a proxy for Israel and its agendas. This isn’t too far removed from how Christianity was before 1948 in America.

End dual nationality within the political sphere. American politicians should not be allowed to put Israel first.

End lifetime appointments within the political and academic spheres of influence and make it so no one can serve in politics for more than 12 years.

Create public banking institutions at the State level in a similar fashion as North Dakota.

I understand that the Mercantile Billionaire EL ite have purchased the judiciary but you would 100% HAVE to find a way to implement every type of Anti-Trust and Anti-Monopoly Laws that you could think of.

Do not rip a page out of the Neo-Marxist playbook and focus 100% of your propaganda on social justice issues (your Christian version of it) while entirely omitting economics from your platform. Okay, I’m being a tad facetious here…But the fact is you can never bring back the nuclear family unless one sets up the economics of the nation that allows the male to support a large family on private property on a single income. If this is not your primary focus of your stated goals then you are simply pissing into the wind.

Oh, I see Ron Paul and EL ON Musk are both promoting the right-wing-fear-bomb of the 50 trillion dollar debt that the usurers have set up. I mentioned this in the first blog. Neither of them are willing to speak reality: like the money they created out of nothing the debt is also a FICTION! One cannot charge interest on something created from nothing (out of the ether or human imagination).

NOTE* I’m referencing Goodson’s version of this narrative outlined in his book. I understand that this version of life at that time is contested. I’m also referencing more David Astle in the quotes from his Tally Stick book. Oh yes, a note on mid-century Alberta: like the Mid-East once OIL was discovered it was 100% over for all types of progressive Christianity and Islam. The Rockefeller/Rothschild nexus would have flooded these regions with as many agent Smith’s as possible. There is simply no way that gentle spirited theists can withstand this type of assault on their worldview and culture. It’s not an accident at all that both Islam and Christianity became regressive and toxic in these oil rich regions.
