I can hear your desperation and I can see your logic. But if the western governments intervene all they will do is devide up the wealth from the oil and the people will still be suffering. Not one country that was invaded by the US is better off. And of course Russia wont stand by and watch. It could become another Syria. I have no real answer apart from that it is your country. And you are the people to change that by what ever means it takes. Just remember Trump is very close to becoming a dictator the normal rules of democracy don't seem to apply to him.
I do wish you good luck and sincerely hope this can be resolved without foreign intervention.
Posted using Partiko Android
You make very valid points, hard to disagree. Also just to note, the title says "an outsider's perspective". I'm not Venezuelan myself. Cheers and thanks for the support!
Posted using Partiko Android
Hi @reverseacid
I noticed that eventually few quality authors visited your publication after we promoted it. Hopefully you will manage to build some new valuable connections :)
Such an excellent comment @andyjem
I really love the fact that you're so very mature with your responses :)
Enjoy your weekend buddy
Well thank you my friend. I am trying to support your good work. I love a good discussion, as long as it is done in a friendly way. As in any discussion you must ways be prepared to give and take and in the end if you are proved wrong give in gracefully. So lets keep talking 😁.... Have a great weekend yourself Brother...
Posted using Partiko Android