How Is Your Bank Stealing From You?

in #economics8 years ago

How do the rich get richer and the poor get poorer? This topic goes much deeper than you and I could ever imagine but to shine at least some light on what's going on that you might not be aware of well, I'm going to tell you about our sneaky banks and governments strengthening inequality. Watch the video below:

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Good stuff. Thought I would share this Dollarcation visual aid to highlight the diminishing of purchasing power with the FED Note. Good work.

Thanks for that info! May we share it separately in a post?

Hi there. Yes. I believe more people need this type of information. Thanks for helping me get the word out.

Thank you, too!

Yes, I totally agree with you. In every transactions made, there is a corresponding fee that is being deducted to your account considering that your money is being used and invested by them and profiting from it with minimal interest given back to your account.

You have to emphasize "minimal" interest. Soon, with the abolition of hard cash, there will be negative interest. and people will panic in search for an option to put their money somewhere else. Well, let's really hope for that dumb move of the elitist banker society, since they didn't put cryptocurrency into play when they forged their evil plan :)

Good point and it will be happening sooner than we thought with the cryptocurrencies gaining popularity.