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RE: Planned Obsolescence?

You just keep vomiting assertions without making any real case.

And the same with you.

I am just telling you what i see.
Of course, to me it is obvious.
And you keep dancing on either side of the issue.
So, it is apparent that you do not see.

How do you "prove" to someone who cannot see, what is obvious in front of your eyes?

I can design and build a car from the ground up. Can you?

Lets take a easily verified thing.
It is all the rage lately for a high end car to come with tires of a size that has never been used before.
Now, was this because that was mathematically the exact best size, or did they do this so that they could make a deal with tire manufacture to be the only supplier?

I have had better engineers than me lay out a good argument for their only needing to be four tire sizes.

In the automotive industry, i see shenanigans everywhere.