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RE: No One Has Ever Become Poor From Giving --Anne Frank

in #economics2 years ago

This is a very well written essay, I do recommend using headers to allow the reader to have a better understanding of what the essay is about at first glance and what each paragraph will be covering. I like how you highlighted the risk that comes with being an entrepreneur and how you used Steve Jobs and Apple to show you believing in yourself and ideas can allow you to succeed in the future. You mention how it not only affects the future, but also was a key factor of the past. Using examples from primitive times showing that entrepreneurship and giving have both been key factors in the foundation and building of society. You did a great job incorporating supply and demand into how giving into a society and market has many different effects on businesses. I used the second quote that you used in my essay as well. I think it is a good representation of the human nature and morals that entrepreneurs possess.

Without the exchange of values, a capitalist society is unable to function. Exchange, an important concept referenced through this class, is essential to the very fabric of society.

I like how you highlight the importance of value and how trading it helps grow the economy. Value is the very thing that entrepreneurs seek to make so that they can give it to society which will help benefit and grow the market and also will allow them to benefit from their hard work and ideas. This is why I believe that giving is the very foundation to capitalism.
I agree with your statement about how capitalism understands the complexity of society and market places and knows that there are always needs that need to be met. This is why innovation is so important in entrepreneurship because people do not know what the solution is until it is created. That always reminds me of the Henry Ford quote about how if he asked the public what they wanted, they would have said "a faster horse" but Ford knew there was a better way to help benefit society and grow the economy.
Overall this was an excellent essay that captured the meaning of Gilder's writings about capitalism and the importance of giving. This was very well formatted with quotes, the only thing I would consider adding are the headers to help guide the reader throughout the essay.