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RE: The Merger of Science and Religion

in #economics7 years ago (edited)

I think there are some approaches to bringing love into the world. One of my most important studies was studying Asian teaching (Buddhism), another one was to have a child, another one the years of dealing with the unconditional basic income.

For me personally, the blockchain in connection with social media is a place where I meet people who share their experiences and with whom I also share mine. Here I get to know myself better than I had expected in connection with what I have already learned. However, I am a bit slow with the world's desire for change. I have stopped classifying this or that as salutary and am rather reserved.

Nevertheless, I am very pleased to have purchased a picture of an artist via SBD and to establish a friendly relationship with him. In the long term, cryptocurrency will probably succeed unless something else is decided politically. However, I believe that basically everyone can legally set up a bank and thus be allowed to put money into circulation. Today's children are already growing up naturally in the digital world. I just don't know if Steemit Inc. actually goes through as a classic bank.

Put the case that it is not politically regulated to the detriment, I think Steemit has great potential. Much depends on the big investors and how the small and bigger fish behave, as well as on what the market does outside of Steemit and the currency transactions. From my point of view it can always be that somewhere else something "even better" comes into being and that everything could be over sooner than you might think. However, I think about this only to a limited extent and here I primarily pursue the idea of exchanging thoughts, knowledge and the experience of active cooperation.

P.S. no vote tonight, I have to regain my power :-)


That’s so good to hear you were able to buy something with money made from social media. The world is changing faster than I can keep up with. I am excited about the potential of steemit. Since it is the first of its media blockchain I think it could get better.

Have you heard of Zonto. It’s just might be the next thing trend because of their rewards. It’s still to early to tell with all these blockchains popping up everywhere. Facebook won’t even allow you to post a link to there. When I realized that I thought this must be good.

Zonto pays you in crypto to invite people. That’s something missing in the steemit platform. That model seems to be taking the internet by storm. Check it out. Go friend me there. It might bomb like many of the .com startups. It will be interesting to see what happens.

I made crypto my first 10 minutes on there. We will see how it turns out. I love their concept.

What ways have you found to grow on this platform? Do you have any other social media pages