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RE: Survivor bias and why you should not always listen to rockstar CEOs

in #economics8 years ago

Great post. This sometimes hurts more than helps because, people never mention their mistakes or the times they failed so we dont learn from their mistakes and they also give formulas that worked for them at a certain time. There will never be another facebook or apple. Those happened at their times and even the people who created those companies could not replicate it. There can be something bigger, but it would have to be created differently, with a different set of rules and challenges.


Thanks! In fact I can see this mistake approach developing slowly. For example, in Finnish entrepreneur scene there is national failure day, and people are encouraged to share their failure stories. The challenge still remains that people are just listing their mistakes. It does not take us much further. Some are identifying the most obvious causality or reason. In reality, mistakes are often situated, so they should be put into context and analyzed with patience. Usually there is more to learn when thinking slowly and involving other perspectives into discussion around a specific phenomenon.