
I think the government getting the hell out of insurance would be a good start. When I was a kid we didn't have insurance but going to the doctor if dentist was no big deal because the prices were reasonable. Now that everyone had insurance doctors charge a shit ton more, have staff that only deal with insurance and costs just keep going up. The insurance company isn't going to lose money so they pass those cost on to us. I don't have plumber insurance, riding lawn mower insurance, (name 1,000) other things. Maybe we need some old fashioned doctors that just accept cash only, less headaches for them, less staff and hopefully reasonable prices for us. I think this got my blood pressure up, insurance just pisses me off - home owners, mortgage, wind, car, travel trailer, medical, dental, prescription, vision. Add the shit ton of taxes on top of that and I would probably be better off sitting at the house and going on wellfare, need to run the numbers!