If you don't like how the current economy is working there there are several alternatives.
If you do like how the current economy is working, look around fool, you are the problem.
You are living on the backs of poor people everywhere.
How do you figure that most of the world lives on less than 2usd a day?
Why does labor in Uganda not pay as much as labor in Munich?
How can corporations sell stuff where the widget's dollar price is a week's wage?
This is all set up, and managed, by the banksters.
Their economy is a centrally planned one.
They determine the price of oil.
They determine the price of silver.
They determine how much labor in Uganda it takes to equal a pittance in Munich.
Why would they change that?
Would you give up your cushy, no work job to help out a fellow human being that you will never meet?
Will you sell your stock that pays dividends from the wages that the laborers didn't get paid?
Of course you won't.
You don't know enough to feel shame at your privileged place in the hierarchy.
Not many folks do.
Well, dear reader, it is time for us to put an end to this bankster dystopia.
We can do it next Tuesday.
It is as easy as continuing to do the work, while refusing to pay to get that work back from the banksters.
The workers already fill the shelves irrespective of if the corporation gets paid, or not.
Do you check with corporate to see that the accountants accounted?
Do you ask the boss if he has enough money to pay you?
NO, you just go to to work and do your thing.
Well, next Tuesday, we can all keep doing our thing.
If you were doing no thing, find a thing to do.
Working cooperatively will be sooo much better than dog eat dog competition.
How the morons that love crapitalism don't see that is a testament to how well the MKUltra mind control program really is.
Open your mind, it is your only escape from a slavery that you are just now becoming acquainted with.
Reveal spoiler
(by @aagabriel)Upvoted by @aagabriel for having similarities to the #informationwar tag, posts like this anyone can add the tag #informationwar so we can more easily find and upvote them!
Ways you can help the @informationwar!
Loved your post! A lot of people around us should open their eyes
If only everyone would understand that we a slaves to them.
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It is coming.
We are winning.