Why you should be a communist, continued.

in #economics6 years ago (edited)

This post is to further expand on the questions raised by this comment:

I gave an abbreviated response here: https://steemit.com/freeyourmindslave/@dwinblood/re-freebornangel-i-m-a-communist-you-should-be-one-too-20180726t182528805z#@freebornangel/re-dwinblood-re-freebornangel-i-m-a-communist-you-should-be-one-too-20180726t193552474z.

My biggest problem with ANY ideology is if it cannot be done voluntarily.

Yes, absolutely.
Either the proposal is chosen as a better option, or it dies on the the vine.

They generally will take a stab at it... but can't get very far.

My proposal is complete.
It is best summed up as, 'Keep working, stop paying.'
We must do the work if we are to have the goods, and I don't think anybody chooses to give up computers and tp, voluntarily.

The division of labor, not crapitalism, contrary to popular mind controlled opinion, raised more people out of poverty than any other single idea of the industrial age.
We should probably keep that facet for the age of robotics.
There won't be any going back to our roots, on any large scale.
Sure local artisans may make shoes, but the warehoses will still stock nike and converses.

It generally comes down to the question "What do you do about those that don't want to do what you are talking about?"

It is better to carry a bum than to enslave him.
His choice to be a bum reflects on him.
My choice to not enslave him reflects on me

Then I sometimes go into money/currency itself.....It's main purpose is that it is a universal form of exchange.

The use of money makes slaves of the havenots.
They either jump through the hoops erected by the haves, or they starve.
Not sounding very voluntary to me.

...Then we might get down to "how do you accurately predict and prepare for what people will need?"

If the warehouses have no demand for a certain product, production of that product ends until demand returns.
If the warehouses can't keep up with demand more production is in order.
Good warehousing standards will determine proper stockage levels.
The blockchain, and transparency, will make these things as uniform as possible to mitigate ups and downs between supply and demand.
Quite easily handled by professionals, or even code.

So how are you going to implement this voluntarily so everyone gives up the advancements?

I think I just demonstrated that we don't have to.

Capitalism itself is not the problem.
Crony Capitalism is the problem.
Communism is not the problem.
Crony Communism is the problem... you may think if crony is added it is no longer communism. Those of us that support Capitalism say the same thing about it.

Rule by force is the disease, who and how are symptoms.
If we take that off the table folks will be free to chose which system works better for them.

Yet that doesn't scale well,...

I think I just demonstrated how to scale it, we do it all at once.
On any given Tuesday the workers simply keep working while refusing to pay.

All of these ideologies capitalism, communism, socialism, etc. they all suffer from one big problem. Human nature. Observing even young humans we see some traits that pop up in people without being TAUGHT to be that way. It seems more like a biological survival trait hold over....
Some people like to boss other people around. Some people like to elevate their "social" standing at the expense of others. Some people are fond of material things, and some not so much so.

Engineering consent can overcome these throwbacks to earlier survival needs.
We socialize our children to stop with the warrior mentality and begin to value sharing over dominating.

Perfection is not really an option, we will just have to do our best as we go along.

Eliminating money makes very expenive things available to all, and not just the wealthy.
Top level child psychologists will be available to help, and not just the ones with enough money today to pay for the training, but all who are drawn to the work.
Today we get doctors that want the money, when we don't have money we will get doctors that want to help others.

If your idea cannot be accomplished 100% voluntarily then it is probably not a good idea.

We agree on that.

I have studied and I continue to study critical thinking. It was not something taught in the education system to much of a degree. I only learned about arguments from authority, arguments form emotion, arguments from popularity (bandwagon), arguments from tradition, slippery slopes, generalizations, red herrings, appeal to the stone, etc by pure chance long after high school. I am no master. I quiz myself and try to use them in discussion so that I get better at them. It helps me get better and better at noticing them.

This is one of the first things fixed under the new paradigm.
Rather than dumbed down brutes willing to accept menial labor, the education system will actually educate kids to turn out adults capable of furthering the good of all humans.

This conversation started by my proposal that communism is a better management style than competition, I hope I have furthered my cause.

The fact is, on any given Tuesday the workers can simply refuse to play crapitalism anymore.
They merely have to keep doing the work while refusing to pay.

They create all the goods for wages.
They then use those wages to buy back the goods they created.
Their wages can never equal the buy back price or there are no profits for the crapitalust to leach onto.
This system is every bit the fraud that fiat currencies are.
One day the rest of you will wake up to this fact.

A novel that perfectly illustrates what is happening today though it was published in 1908.
Complete with left wing terrorism and right wing reactionaries.
Learn from the actual past, not the one taught to you by your fakeducation, eh?
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Where has communism succeeded?

Fire department, unions, roads, public school, social securtiy and many more examples.


Communism is misery. I live in Venezuela, and my life seems to be taken out of 1984 .

These ideas need to spread in venezuela.

When the people of venezuela finally stop practicing crapitalism they will see an end to their misery.

Repeating the same ideas will never change what happens.
Just because the state owns the factories does not make the wage slaves any less slaves.
It only changes who exploits them.

Keep working, stop paying.

Venezuela is being sabotaged by USA sanctions and USA munipulation.

I think communism kills risk vs reward and greed. If there isn't a bigger reward I wouldn't want to take bigger risk. People taking huge risks is what has made the US such a great country. Also a lot of people think greed is bad but greed is actually good. Greed is why you can buy produce from a grocery store near your house that comes from a farm thousands of miles a away. It is also the reason the platform we are using right now exist

Half the planet lives under $10 a day. Capitalism fails. Organize workers.

If there isn't a bigger reward I wouldn't want to take bigger risk.

In this case, instead of rewards being measured by money, it will be measured by prestige in the community.

Instead of using greed to motivate people i would rather use shame.
Right now greed tells starving kids in africa to get jobs.
Id rather say shame on the workers for failing at their job to feed the world.

Do we agree that what we have isnt working for all of us?

Engineering consent can overcome these throwbacks to earlier survival needs.
We socialize our children to stop with the warrior mentality and begin to value sharing over dominating.

So you discount human nature and behaviors of the last 20,000years as though they are changed by social engineer consent ,and dispel the basic human drives of competition?
The very thing that gave you the electricity that your computer uses, as well as the internet..
All of this was because of the human competitive spirit (warrior mentality)

And you want to 'socialize' that out of children?

This whiffs of extreme narcissism, mate.


Human nature is communistic not capitalistic.


Funny how it always has to be made to work with genocide and the barrel of a gun.
Psychopathic and sociopathic nature is communistic.
That's 4% of the population.
Which also explains why force is required to try and implement the system.


What you are describing is capitalism, not socialism. Sorry.

Russia ......40 million DEAD
China...... around 100 million DEAD
Cambodia.... 1.7 million DEAD (23 % of the population).

Numbers and facts are a bitch for the delusional..

Usa wars 100 millions dead, global capitaliam 100 millions dead. Universal healthcare saves billions of lives.

Number and facts are on communism's side. Sorry.

Wars are nothing to do with capitalism.

Government control using tax payer (theft), amd armies are more akin to authoritarian communism in reality, than any free markets...

The ideology of communism (Marx) was financed by the Rothschild? Marx was 2nd(3rd) cousin to Baron Rothchild..
Communism was funded by western banks.
Any alarm bells ringing yet?
Useful idiots, anyone?

Stop apologizing for being incorrect..lol