Agree with you, but a good thing to remember is that the government is not the ones that "enslave us" it is the economic system, capitalism, which has a flaw which
and that flaw is that it concentrates wealth so,
we are in for a spreading of that wealth either through a charismatic leader or maybe a fight
Hope that helps.
Magic 8 ball says...
Great stuff.....keep it coming :-) I'm also off grid on solar - no bills, no nonsense, tons of free time. It's not easy off grid, but it's worth it.
Oh but Ms. Yellen has been yellin' that EVERYTHING IS FINE NOTHING TO SEE HERE MOVE ALONG
The collapse has well begun. Illinois is bankrupt, so is NJ Connecticut and Rhode Island. LOL As if people are asking this question still.
Yes, indeed. See my earlier post.
Agree with you, but a good thing to remember is that the government is not the ones that "enslave us" it is the economic system, capitalism, which has a flaw which
and that flaw is that it concentrates wealth so,
we are in for a spreading of that wealth either through a charismatic leader or maybe a fight
Hope that helps.