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RE: Velocity of Money and Currency Issuance Regulation - A possible equilibrium mechanism in cryptocurrencies

in #economics8 years ago

It's not an investment, unless you say that me (and others) spending our time and resources on building it is an investment. We are not making any promises to anyone, though we are doing what we can to get this moving forward as quickly as possible.

No, I mean, we will accept donations but we are not entering a contract to fulfill anything, and I can only speak for myself but I have enough resources to continue the work at more or less the pace I have begun, for at least 3 months, in which time we probably will have the network running with the basic elements in place.

Yes, there is a hardware plan in it, it's intended to be a turnkey witness type server built on it, including a file/data distribution system (@faddat is working on this at the moment, it looks like he has settled on an integration with IPFS).

Note that we also absolutely will not be registering any corporation or any kind of government or bank-related thing except and only as far as necessary (which should be not at all). In m and @faddat's opinions, the more a chain gets tied up with the banking and government system, the more of a rotten rat-filled ship it becomes. You can just look at the fiasco that is Steemit, and the absurdity of the imminent bitcoin fork, the Ethereum fork... We want to build a community that is open and unable to be ridden by greedy thieving liars.

Anyone who wants to join the project is invited to come and chat at the discord, where most of the coordination is going on: