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RE: Quality of Life as Quality of Time

in #economics6 years ago

I agree with much of what you say and would like to suggest you join me in solving poverty with a price tag coupon that uses "hours of your personal time" as a unite of exchange currency in a free market. I'd like you to help me promote the hOEP project on Steamit if you are interested. I'm kind of new to steemit and spend most of my time on other project initiatives.

Anyway, in a short example, how does time value accounting and pricing work? Consider this example.

A toll bridge saves everyone 1 hour of time compared to the next best option. what is the price the toll bridge owner should charge for the use of the toll bridge to 3 people who earn 1@$10/hr, 1@$50/hr, and 1@$200/hr?

Answer: to make the most profit, the toll bridge should charge the maximum each customer is willing to pay which is based on their individual $/hr rate. The toll bridge should charge 1@$10, 1@$50, and 1@$200. So the lesson is don't charge everyone the same price because that doesn't make as much profit as charging more to rich people and less to poor people.

um, this is actually explained better in slideshows and stuff that I want you to consider and promote. if this is interesting here's the URL for for the project at


I think I encountered this information a while back but I will take a look again, thanks.