well, how are universities financed?
maybe with the help of planned economy and especially the money monopoly?
do you really think they would then teach and talk against this financing monopoly?
but I guess that goes too deep and may be labelled as "conspiracy theory" again.
"well, how are universities financed?
maybe with the help of planned economy and especially the money monopoly?"
"do you really think they would then teach and talk against this financing monopoly?"
"but I guess that goes too deep and may be labelled as "conspiracy theory" again."
Academia is since a few decades not neutral anymore, in contrary. Most universities in Austria are moving to the left side in a dramatic speed. With half communists you can´t objectively discuss about economics.
In Germany it is even worse. Remember when Lucke wanted to return to Uni to give a lecture in Economy? It is a shame how he was treated.
If someone wants to become a scientist in economy, he might formally study in Austria or Germany, but he needs to broaden his horizon with that topics you rightfully mentioned (are they thought in other countries?) in other to get a meaningful knowledge base.
still it can be a conspiracy not only against Austrian Economics, but also the whole humanity
in clear view. but for 95% of people not understandable cuz they know absolutely nothing about economics and about how important it is for us.
and the few who know it (who for example have learned Volkswirtschaft/ Betriebswirtschaft lie to themselves.
and all just run after the money monopoly. of course you dont need black man an stuff blabla if you ALREADY GOT THE MONEY MONOPOLY - lol
conspiracy theory in plain sight, and everyone takes part. :)
"conspiracy theory in plain sight, and everyone takes part. :)"
the plot will come cuz as I said most people dont understand economics.
most people don't know about the money monopoly and also not about its effects. most people dont even know what capitalism is and what its effects are.
..and that's why it can be in plain sight.
the masses always supported the craziest and most terrifying "conspiracies" of our history - ofc also cuz many were forced to and in hope or fear