Did you know that we get a new tax rule in January in the Netherlands that you have to pay for having money in the bank. So the run on bitcoin is huge but also other coins and stock.
Thanks for always being here 72 good luck tomorrow morning hope you are top3
I heard something about it early in the year but didn’t check it out I thought it was negative interest rates on savings over 100 000 euro to try and get the top people to rather spend their money which I think is dumb but okay
Then I also heard the Dutch are campaigning for 2 euro a day for toilet paper and tea if they are working from home lol you Dutch are really a special bunch
There’s this Dutch guy on Twitter called Plan B and he says Bitcoin is going to $288 000 a coin and he explains it all and I have to say I believe him
It’s it for amounts from 250.000 and if you want to open a new account with another bank to spread the money you are turned away
Indeed the working from home is a thing here people are making requests to keep travel money to work but also want their toilet and coffee expenses well let’s say he dutch got crazy!!
Funny that you keep track of us and I don’t know plan B maybe we should ask him to join hive and give him a account
LOL damn, so they're really trying to force you guys to spend and I am sure 250k is only for now, they'll keep lowering it to get more people to spend. lol I tend to keep my ear to the ground on what happens around the world I don't want to be caught off guard I also want my toilet paper money lol
Here's his Twitter account - https://twitter.com/100trillionUSD might be worth reaching out, his got 142k followers
Well and the 2,5 is total of all teh bank accounts you have so spreading is not do able,
I dont have twitter but @hivemarketing might want to pick up on this