The upcoming economic collapse

in #economy7 years ago

We have heard all the stories for years. A lot of click bait. Johnathan Cahn's book: The Harbinger. Was one of my all time favourites.
Stock market collapse
Housing collapse
Dollar collapse
Population bubble
Car loan collapse
Bond markets
Return of Jesus
Fake UFO landings
Hologram apocalypse

So many brands of the end of this society as we know it. We all should be aware that this shift in energy is going to happen. The economy will collapse. It's just a matter of when now. But I must be honest there has been too many wrong predictions in the last 2 years. Shemetah was a blow out (nobody seems to know exactly when it is anyway) September 27 2016 was a flop. Can't blame people for jumping off the wagon. Don't call something you don't know! 1 person in mind lol.

Fear is a great money maker. People have mongered off of this upcoming event.

The real important thing is your mindset. This is all about starting again. A new beginning! Your entire focus should be on the new beginning of the age. Not the negative "Ooh its all coming to an end" Nobody really knows how bad this will turn out. Will we be rooting and starving or will something like Gold or Silver or Bitcoin or all of them help the people trade while society and government falls. Who knows. What I do know is you have a chance to start a new world again. Start working out what you really want from life and focus purely on that!


I've been hearing the DoomSayers
crying Havoc
since 1976

Lol. I know right. Terrible. Coz it's quite a serious matter

so is the heat death of the universe.
which is going to happen first?

Flip a coin ;) a Gold one!

You wouldn't have wanted to eat dinner at my house from Jan 1 2000 to Jan 1 2001. We had A LOT of canned goods thanks to the Y2K scare that my Aunt and Uncle (whose care I was in at the time) bought in to.