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RE: [BOOK REVIEW] "Who Owns the Future?" A primer on how humanistic information economies can transform society

in #economy8 years ago

please, no need for these kinds of comments who are not related to the matter.
just give yourself 10 minutes to read the post carefully and share an opinion which is related to it if you like it or just let it and go.
but no need to fill the comments section with unvalued comments


Nothing wrong with that comment up there, you @hatemmkh. stop being too judegemental!!!, i reesteemed this post. People react differently, appreciate that ... If people are not asking for your votes ..calm down...all comments are part of their freedom... dont try to be a joy killer, whats wrong with the smiley icon?....i endorse that...good on you @abue..!!... Dont listen to this guy (@hatemmkkh ..he got hate in his name

I think I don't have problem with you and you don't have the right to comment on my name

I have problem with your comment for @abue up there. You preaching too much unnecessarily, you are not qualified to be a preacher..