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in #economy6 years ago

I got a memo in my steem wallet inviting me to this post discussion. Thank you.

Many of you may remember an author awhile back who talked about an upcoming recession. He was on a lot of radio talk shows and other media promoting his book about biblical revelation and signs such as supermoons foreshadowing an upcoming global recession worse than the one a decade ago. The global recession didn't happen in the time frame the author claimed it would and the author said that meant the recession would be put off by heavenly forces for another seven years.

Since then I've had this thought experiment in my head I've been toying around with. What if due to technologies such as 3D printing, private space exploration and nanotechnology we knew for a fact beforehand that the next recession (or depression) was the last one; at least for several centuries? What if some Ray Bradbury Toynbee Convector time traveler showed up with proof that after the next large economic crisis there would be post-scarcity? A future within most people's lifetimes where energy is abundant, asteroids are mined for more precious metals than humans could ever figure out what to do with and tiny robots mine landfills for materials that other tiny robots use to assemble tools and supplies.

The next economic crisis would be a fixed point in time that can't be changed. All one has to do is get through the next economic crisis and you are guaranteed never to experience economic loss again.

Would there be less depression knowing it's the last economic downturn? Would people chose not to work knowing the concept of a salary soon won't exist as it does. Would governments still pretend to care about their economies? The list of questions goes on.


Dear @holovision

Thank you for accepting my memo and for such an amazing reply.

I've think never actually thanked you for your previous comment. So let me do that now: BIG THX buddy :)

after the next large economic crisis there would be post-scarcity

I'm not sure what does it mean?

The next economic crisis would be a fixed point in time that can't be changed.

Hope we will not live long enough to witness such a crisis.
