Here is some of the writing on the wall. Not 1 person out there that can tell me 1 Big Retailer that as open in the past 2 years.
The US economy will be crashing sooner than everyone seems to believe.
If it feels like retailers are rushing all of a sudden to close stores, you would not be misjudging the moment. Here's a partial list of some big retailers that are closing multiple stores and how many stores are going away in 2017 or have closed recently:
Payless ShoeSource - 400 stores
JC Penney - 138 stores
Macy's - 68 stores
Sears and K Mart - 150 stores
HH Gregg - 88 stores
Abercrombie & Fitch - 60 stores
Guess - 60 stores
The Limited - 250 stores
Wet Seal - 171 stores
American Apparel - 110 stores
BCBG - 120 stores
GameStop - 150 stores
Radio Shack - 550 stores
Staples - 70 stores
CVS - 70 stores
Gander Mountain - 32 stores
Family Christian - 240 stores