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RE: Countries Are Ramping Up On Gold Purchases As The Dollar Takes A Dive - Episode 1340a

in #economy8 years ago

I'm going to start this article with a statement, a democracy Is not what you think It Is. Through research I found out what this and other words actually mean, the true meaning of words Is found by studying etymology.

Soviet Coat Of Arms.png

All the land In America Is under a particular kind of law called Cemetery Law, cemetery comes from the word cement because that's what you find In a cemetery Is cement. If you think about It the whole of the United States Is practically covered In cement, highways, buildings, bridges, etc. What this shows Is the United States and the majority of the western world Is under a particular kind of, occult, hidden law. Occult simply means hidden and this occult world of words, terms and phrases show how the American and UK people have been misled and deceived, they're being led In to bondage because they don't understand the words.

A good explanation that I've heard, Jordan Maxwell tell many times, shows how most people don't understand the true meaning of words. If you have a two story building and you wish to place a lot of weight on the second floor, then the Intelligent thing to do Is to go down stairs, with an expert, then find out whether the floor has significant strength to support and hold that kind of weight. So what you are doing Is standing under the foundations, you're going to build on, that Is where we get the word 'understanding'. So If you don't get under the corrupt system we live In, go beneath It and see where the words come from, where the concepts come from, what do they actually mean you will never have a chance of taking your power back. You need to know how did these organizations, Institutions come to be, where did they come from, how did we get in to this mess In the first place. The next time a police officer, who Is just security to enforce the corrupt corporation ( United States Government ) laws, asks you whether you understand him you should say NO, I do not stand under you, by agreeing you understand you are showing compliance to the state.

How did the US get so locked In by law, by the Patriot Act and overrun by The Military Industrial Complex, ask yourself how did this all happen, because It didn't happen by accident It happened by design. The United States and the UK are good examples of people that, through their own Ignorance, have been led to believe they live In free country's, when In reality both country's, In law, are corporations, this Is a point of fact, something most people have no Idea of. There are none so blind than those that choose not to see.

The United States and the UK are called Democracy's, but this word does not mean what most people believe It to be. A Democracy Is not a friendly term as most people think. It Is thirty five white guys hanging one black guy, that Is how you define a Democracy and people need to wake up to this. Demo In Greek means 'mob', so whether It's a demonstration or a Democracy It's mob rule, so people have been misled, deceived by the Masons In power who implement all this wizardry. A Democracy Is just a friendly term or an Intersection to Marxist, Leninist, Communism where totalitarian laws eventually get put In to place, just like we have seen In these countries over recent decades. The same kind of tyrannical evil that Obama, Hillary and the Chinese practice, ( The Democratic Republic Of China ) I might add.
A Democracy Is where you collect everybody up together and soon everybody's thinking the same thing, just like one New World Order hive mind. When everybody's thinking the same thing, that means nobody's thinking Independently at all. This Is exactly what the NWO want no Independent thought, no Individual sovereignty or freedom.
This Is why you have all over America and the UK and most of the world, Unions, Carpenters Unions, Trade Unions, Soviet Union, Wake Up! You need to understand Union Is a term used In collectivism, In Marxist, Leninist, Soviet Communism, this where Socialism and being progressive, In a Democracy, will get you to a EU, totalitarian, Communist state. That Is why today America Is so far gone, because of the Marxist, Leninist philosophy, that Obama has forced In to all the Universities, these systems have nothing to do with Constitution or Law.

The American Constitution has been partly supplanted by a Marxist, Leninist system, America Is now under a Democracy, not a full Free Republic like the original fore fathers put In place. In a Democracy It's a gang rule, where 35 people will hang 1 other, If you've got something to say about that and you don't like It, then tough that's a Democracy we all voted. So there Is a big difference between a Democracy which Is just a friendly term for ( Communism, Marxism, Leninism, Totalitarian Fascism ) or a Free Republic, which Is based on Laws that protect everyone. Today at this very moment In history the United states situation Is critical, because the American people can still turn this around and get out from under this New World Order, United Nations, totalitarian system, but this has to be done now. Restore your Free Republic and your entire Constitution. The US government Is a corporation acting Illegally through the Senate and Congress, committing treason against Trump, America and most Importantly against the American people.

United States Flag.jpg

All these systems are flawed concepts, Democracy, Socialism, Marxism, Leninism, Communism, Fascism, these are all failed Ideas which only support totalitarian governments. Americas fore fathers understood this that Is why they founded America as a Free Republic with a Constitution and gave everyone Unalienable Absolute Rights and absolute Laws. Other great Ideas to restore freedom to America or any country are to decentralize power have a system of Natural Law contracts and the Ubuntu movement.


I upvoted myself and also you

Thank you for your support.

I would have upvoted you if you didn't upvoted yourself.

I'm being massively censored on here like all patriots and your worried about me upvoting my own post, you're the second person to say this, but I will still do It. I'm an Individual fighting for freedom and I only go by Jesus's laws nobody else's, peace.

Everyone's a political science professor these days on the internet.

I learnt this stuff off Jordan Maxwell he really Is a wise man. Support him at