I can't say I have great in depth knowledge of how crypto-currencies "work", by which I mean: I've never bothered examining a chunk of blockchain data in a hex editor and stepped though each field and mapped out how all the data fits together, but then, even if I had - and I'll bet you haven't, either - that wouldn't necessarily give me much more insight into whether BTC or any other particular crypto would continue to attract speculator interest, which is all that's (currently) driving these moonshots. And it is speculation, because these "currencies" aren't currently being used (much) as media of exchange.What I can say, is that judging from what other people around here have averred, transactions in BTC are too slow for it What I can say, is that judging from what other people around here have averred, transactions in BTC are too slow for it to be used as an everyday currency, and, as the block chain continues to grow with every single transaction, money changers and globally imposed as the Pentacon Kissinger Saudi Mercan IOU petroscrip toilet paper dollah was, whatever about being imposed on USSAN and Europeon debt slaves only too happy to exist in their cashless, electronic gulags "all watched over by machines of loving grace" as they jab their electro thingies In lieu of using a brain to "purchase" their Latte dumbass I'm a moron five buck starschmucks zio piss "coffee". In a world of NSA slash CIA hacking gone mad, run as these criminal enterprises are by murderous thugs and sociopaths, how the hell can an unknown App like Blipcoin suddenly be "wealth" and how in God's name can gold be purged from human DNA after 3000 years functioning as real money simply because the shamanic Satanic banksters in the West and the Pedophile Politburo in Natostan ghetto Brussels no longer have any and the brain dead Millennials with their prosthetic blinking plastic gizmo brains, never managed to grasp what in fact real money is? The simple answer is that actual physical money such as gold can't be purged to get any faster.Maybe one of BTC's competitors will win out in this regard. The problem is, there appear to be hundreds of them. You can make the argument that there are hundreds of fiat currencies, too, but that's a poor rebuttal as each fiat has an intrinsic value arising from citizens willing to exchange goods and services for them so they can discharge their governments' demands for tax Gold and silver, despite being dogs from an investment point of view (since their peak in 2011 at any rate) at least have intrinsic value beyond their possible monetary use, and are unique in the sense that they're atomic elements, which are themselves finite in number
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