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RE: Jerrybanfield still here??

in #economy7 months ago

Hey @sorin.cristescu nice to see you around! I remember the old chats we had. You were always the smarter of the two (when I was the other part of that equation). How are things of late? What projects are you up on these days?


Hey, littlescribe! 😊 Thanks for your kind words.
I realised Hive is more than a good blogging platform and P2E infrastructure. It's also an excellent bank. So, I set out to create a tokenized, bankless, local, decentralised human organisation: a non-profit called Offchain Luxembourg a.s.b.l.

That is the question we aim to answer. Instead of a bank account, we use Hive as our bank for collecting membership fees, for instance. We use accounts such as @ocl-trez (treasury) and @ocl-paymaster (current account), publish on @offchain-lux, and have created a HE token called OCLT ... The idea is to test-drive the new European crypto regulation called MiCA. It claims that it supports innovation. So we innovate. "Is the legal framework going to help?"

That sounds simply amazing! What do you mean by "bankless?" What are membership fees for? Do people just buy up OCLT in place of the Euro? MiCA sounds interesting...are you hoping you get permissions to operate like a normative company, or are you hoping for some other kind of support from them as well?

[HIVE] is also an excellent bank. So, I set out to create a tokenized, bankless, local, decentralised human organisation.

So are you suggesting you are using blocks from HIVE to process your bank transactions, just using a different token? I absolutely LOVE seeing people building on-chain and off-chain offshoots of HIVE-related companies and d'apps. This is where the stuff gets real.

"Bankless" simply means that the association does not have a bank account 🤷‍♂️
Membership fees are for normal operations. We organize events, there are all sorts of costs, such as for instance we bought a roll-up. We paid for some graphic work and we also need to pay for more IT work for our website. We also have a paid intern, for 4 months. 3 months of her internship were paid by the founders. We hope to be able to pay the fourth month from the membership fees (it appears to be a tall order, we need to enroll another 10-12 members quite rapidly).
The OCLT economy is the interesting part, the idea is to have a weak token that is spent more easily and more freely than the Euro, following Gresham law ("bad money chases away good money").
MiCA is just a law. You can't expect support from a law. Also, we can do anything we need as a non-profit, no plans to become a company. The good thing about MiCA is that you don't need to ask permission, it's the other way around: you notify the authorities "I plan to do that and I comply because this-and-that". If they don't object actively, it means you can do it (so it 's "permission by default unless the authorities actively object").
I didn't get the last part of the question - OffChain Luxembourg has HBD as pivot "money" (OCLT is not widely accepted yet.) So when OffChain Luxembourg gets paid, whatever it gets paid in is converted to HBD (and saved unless there is a need to spend). When OffChain Luxembourg has to pay, someone does the "payment processor" paying in € and OffChain Luxembourg reimburses in HBD.

we also need to pay for more IT work for our website

Don't worry about that part. I'll just do it for you for free! Granted, all you'll get outa me are doodles of stick figures mostly, but it's free. probably shouldn't complain about it.

The OCLT economy is the interesting part, the idea is to have a weak token that is spent more easily and more freely than the Euro, following Gresham law ("bad money chases away good money").

Sounds like you've got some econ concepts down. This is all very fascinating. When I'm in a place to shill ya better, hit me up! I'll do eet.

Thanks a bunch,I will !