The new paradigm for middle-income countries

in #economy6 years ago

n the new paradigm for middle-income countries, knowledge — not natural resources or cheap labor — increasingly constitutes the core of a country’s comparative advantage. As well illustrated by dramatic success stories such as Bangalore, the capital of the Indian software industry, technical innovation and knowledge can work hand in hand to lead a country from suffocating poverty to strong productivity and competitiveness.

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Dogal kaynaklarin bolluguna dayali bir ekonomik gelismenin, ulkeleri fakirlikten kurtaramadigi ve gelismis milletlerle rekabet edebilecek seviyeye tasimadigi anlasilmistir. Hatta, dogal kaynaklardan elde edilen gelir ve ekonomik kaynaklar dogru kullanilmadigi zaman bilgi ve teknige dayali uretime olan ihtiyacin gorulmesini engelleyebilmekte ve bu konuda politikalarin olusturulmasi gerektigi unutulmaktadir.

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