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RE: Recognizing leverage in your life... concepts of the 4 hour work week by Tim Ferris

in #economy8 years ago (edited)

I'd agree that a full on Nomad lifestyle is not really for everyone, not even Digital Nomads. Most start looking for some kind of base.
I like the concept of geo flexibility. Spend most of my time in a few specific places and travel when I want. Constant travel becomes a drag after the initial exitement wears off.
Although now I am ready for another dose ;)


The road beckons! :)

Yeah, the issue that folks have with books like 4HWW is that they are still chasing the shortcuts, the easy fixes, and the underlying philosophy and value of such a book gets ignored. On the other side of the spectrum, people tend to build a shrine to those concepts and hold on to them rigidly, without any serious thought or flexibility.

And you're right, even lifestyles we embrace may need to move like a pendulum, each in its own appropriate time.

Regarding science fiction I beg to differ... I have done it to some extent (minus the passive income but lived in Spain for 4 years working globally)
I met many others who did it. People with no money at all, people with kids, people with great jobs they quit people with lousy jobs...

It is definitely science fact :)
Not necessarily easy of course but more and more feasible.

I totally agree that there are no magic shortcuts. The lever is there to multiply your efforts but if you don't put in the initial effort it won't budge a thing...
Of course it is definitely not all rainbows and unicorns and you can and will fail if you don't take it seriously like any business. The interesting thing about the 4HWW is that the downside of failure is relatively limited and upside often surprisingly bigger than expected...

I agree and I didn't mean to imply that it was "science fiction", but rather that many people treat it as such.

I am the first one to attest to the fact that Tim's advice is solid and it works...I've been geo-flexible since 2008 thanks to internet marketing and stuff like the 4HWW.

Hehe cool! Must have a chat one of these days!