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RE: Something Big Is Lurking That Will Change The Precious Metals Market:Andrew Hoffman

in #economy8 years ago (edited)

Good interview. The manipulations are now happening regularly - and the entire exercise is to extend the inevitable for as long as possible. It's that simple. There's only one end game: first some defaults, then more QE and hyperinflation. They are working hard to keep the market propped up, so don't get your hopes up on a sharp turn. Shore up your positions, but stay off the emotional roller coaster of anticipating major moves. There's a graveyard full of failed predictions from an array of prognosticators (Andrew Maguire, Clif High, and the ever wrong Bo Polny are a few that come to mind). It'll end when it ends. Might be days, might be years.

Cryptos are worth a look in the meantime. I disagree with the LiteCoin assessment. LiteCoin is much faster and will be more convenient to use than BitCoin - which will encourage adoption and may challenge BitCoin's primacy. The same goes for Dash and some others. They are all "mined" coins, which is the key feature that limits supply. Educate yourselves, and don't limit yourself to BitCoin. Hedge your bets and build a portfolio of "mined" coins.