hahaha, yes they do.
they are just Up-votes seekers and still don't understand how the community works
I hate the people that don't care about making friendships here and providing appreciation to the good work
I suffer from those guys who came here and thinking we are foolish
but I hope that the community will provide a treatment for this kind of users
and we also can help cleaning the community by downvoting those people
I was being sarcastic, btw ;-). I was pointing out that @wahyusaputra was clearly bullshitting and fishing for upvotes/follows by being dishonest.
Fully agreed. I bring the flags in spades here, but only for good reason. People have to learn somehow. That's what flags are for, but it's up to us to use them appropriately and EXPLAIN why we use them to the users that we use them on, otherwise it leaves them reeling and feeling vengeful.
yeah, I spend a lot of time warning these kinds of Up-votes seekers and telling them how to use the platform properly and the first time is a warning but when I see one them doing it again I keep downvoting him at every comment they make
that makes a bad feeling when you put much time and effort to provide a good content quality to your readers, and after that you find a shit with this bad behavior in your comments
That used to be my approach, but time and time again, I'd find them faux-apologizing just to turn around and continue doing it. So I decided to flag and then explain. Nothing gets the point across better than "Hey man, quit shitting on people's posts and begging because I will flag you for it."
It really helps correct people's behavior, all it does is negate that problematic post and presents an opportunity for them to think about. I don't mean the flag in an offensive way, but in a protect-the-platform-plus-here-is-a-learning-opportunity way.
your approach can be right with some kinds of users but not all of them
because the people who have an original good manners and behavior, have the initial intention to use the platform properly and respect the users but they just need someone who put them on the right direction and they will start to be good users automatically.
they just need someone to learn them.
but the kind of people who have an original shit behavior will never change and the downvote will never change them or make them respect the users and they will keep acting badly whatever happens.
this point of view is based on personal experiences of me and I'm really happy that I see many users that was acting this way and after I advised them, they started to change their way of using the platform and now they are growing more and more and providing good content quality through both posts and comments.
and I become happier as I see them growing more and more
What did you like about it?
I like about posting your predictions
They read it in a minute! Dang!
hahaha, yes they do.
they are just Up-votes seekers and still don't understand how the community works
I hate the people that don't care about making friendships here and providing appreciation to the good work
I suffer from those guys who came here and thinking we are foolish
but I hope that the community will provide a treatment for this kind of users
and we also can help cleaning the community by downvoting those people
I was being sarcastic, btw ;-). I was pointing out that @wahyusaputra was clearly bullshitting and fishing for upvotes/follows by being dishonest.
Fully agreed. I bring the flags in spades here, but only for good reason. People have to learn somehow. That's what flags are for, but it's up to us to use them appropriately and EXPLAIN why we use them to the users that we use them on, otherwise it leaves them reeling and feeling vengeful.
yeah, I spend a lot of time warning these kinds of Up-votes seekers and telling them how to use the platform properly and the first time is a warning but when I see one them doing it again I keep downvoting him at every comment they make
that makes a bad feeling when you put much time and effort to provide a good content quality to your readers, and after that you find a shit with this bad behavior in your comments
That used to be my approach, but time and time again, I'd find them faux-apologizing just to turn around and continue doing it. So I decided to flag and then explain. Nothing gets the point across better than "Hey man, quit shitting on people's posts and begging because I will flag you for it."
It really helps correct people's behavior, all it does is negate that problematic post and presents an opportunity for them to think about. I don't mean the flag in an offensive way, but in a protect-the-platform-plus-here-is-a-learning-opportunity way.
your approach can be right with some kinds of users but not all of them
because the people who have an original good manners and behavior, have the initial intention to use the platform properly and respect the users but they just need someone who put them on the right direction and they will start to be good users automatically.
they just need someone to learn them.
but the kind of people who have an original shit behavior will never change and the downvote will never change them or make them respect the users and they will keep acting badly whatever happens.
this point of view is based on personal experiences of me and I'm really happy that I see many users that was acting this way and after I advised them, they started to change their way of using the platform and now they are growing more and more and providing good content quality through both posts and comments.
and I become happier as I see them growing more and more