
Hi, Dave, I followed you over here. This looks like a great place for your videos. So glad there is an alternative to youtube. I hope they go broke.

The automotive industry is another industry where fuzzy math is used. Dump the cars to the dealers at full price, increasing the car manufacturer's revenue, and increasing the car dealer's balance sheet with increased inventory. Then quietly offer incentives to the customer to increase the car dealer's revenue.

In my area, a small midwestern city, the auto dealerships are at breaking point with lot space. The GM dealer ship next to my work has actually temporarily parked about 25 new 2017 SUV's in the Lowes parking lot across the street because there is no physical room for them to be parked on their own lot. There is no way they are going to move that many vehicles without some new 10 year/0% financing. They are all going to just sit there while people buy a 4 year old car just off lease for a few thousand dollars instead. What a complete waste of resources and money.

lol. I am starting noticed that in my area as well. Go to my local Walmart ,like what is all these new ford's doing here;)

Welcome to Steemit Dave, your hard work is greatly appreciated!

My only comment would be is that it would be great to have links to some of the sources as I send your videos to many friends and family and they constantly pull me up on the sources.

Last one was for the IMF suggesting to Germany that they were going to impose capital levy's on positive bank accounts. I could only find something on Armstrong Economics and nowhere else online.

I have total faith in your reports but need a bit of assistance spreading the word!

The retail, auto, real estate, student loans, credit card debt are a complete mess with defaults going on in every sector. We need to all start preparing and helping each with good information to help and protect each others families.

Welcome to Steem so glad you decided to come here. Always love your videos & commentary.

Thank you Dave for the update.

Welcome Dave! Nice to see you here too!

Really excited to see you here. With those of you caliber joining in there will be no stopping Steamit.

New listener, love your shows for the past couple of weeks. I think an important thing to also consider is what Mike Maloney pointed out that a majority of baby boomers are approaching or in retirement where they will be forces to sell off parts of their 401k.

Welcome to steemit Dave! I watch all your videos, great insight.

So glad you finally found Steemit Dave.

I still have reserved hope for Trump to be the people's President. I still agree with Dave, this shit is cumming down one way or another. It will come down for individual's far sooner than for the whole system to fall. My goal this year is to stay employed, buy bitcoin and sliver when I can!

BTW, sweet just joined yesterday and my account is like already worth $10. R.I.P You tube.

Dave! Awesome to see you here. Love your reports, two thumbs up. Great work!

It amazes me still the people that I come across who still think that everything is fine. Even those closest to me still think I am some crazy lunatic who is basically just stockpiling "shi%^". The writings are on the wall. They've been so for years and even now, with Trump securing trade deals with China, making America "energy independent"...I really hope those out there who are still in the dark wake up before it is to late! The old saying goes "Its better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it".....This will be the collapse of all collapses and only those who are prepared and informed may just make it. This collapse has to happen. My only fear is firstly how dark will people get and how we will come out from it.....

Take care to all of you, informed and uninformed. May we all be safe

Hi Dave,
I haven't seen you on Steemit before. Welcome! Thanks for all you do.