
Thank You, Dave, for bringing Gregory Mannarino onto the X22Report Spotlight. Thank You, Gregory Mannarino, for coming onto the X22Report Spotlight and sharing your work and keeping us informed.

Interesting to know Greg is now back in Cryptos. He certainly did call them right at the end of the year but it is encouraging he is back in the market. This guy eats and breathes the markets!

I listen to Greg all the time.. He's good!!
Dave, Have you ever tried to get Max Keiser on the show. I hear he created his own coin - Maxcoin.

Ask Greg what his degree is in the FREEMASONS ⁉️ FUCKING TRAITOR‼️ I won’t watch anything with this scum bag ❗️The FREEMASONS are the sworn enemies of Christianity , and humanity . LOOK IT UP ❗️