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RE: The Natural Movement - Barefoot Shoes and Earthing

in #ecotrain5 years ago (edited)

Experiencing sensory connection through your feet is quite the journey, isn't it?!

Here in Asia without the American luxury of "barefoot shoes" LOL, we just walk barefoot. In the house, in the temple, in the grass around the house. What a simple pleasure and wonderful natural health treat. $$ spent? LOL. ZERO.

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That's the spirit :D We do that as well, since we are living in the tropics most of the time - always feels weird visiting family in Germany where they even have specific shoes for inside the house. The simplest is often the best :)

Haha.... my dutch "put your slippers on!" self sympathizes with the German weather-culture clash. Yes, simple IS best. Bare feet is easy here in Thailand.