Great post @eco-alex and one that resonates with me on lots of levels.
1st of is that I too have been studying the topic of automation and I agree it is going in the direction it should. We should be getting rid of all manual labour, if possible. This should leave us in a state where goods are very cheap, due to low over-heads and massively increased production. The cost of living should be much lower and this next generation of automation should lower it even more. But just like when the silicone chip came about, the spoils were not shared equally and while producion and profit multiplied ridiculously, they just decided to cut us out of the gift and the 1st gen of electronics led to multi bazzillionairres, mass job losses and social decline. This next AI generation of automation is going to finish us off if they cut us out again. With that considered, I am with you 100%! We need to get outta here!
If you haven't seen this video already, you will probably find this quite freaky, I know I did.
Unfortunately the full version has been removed from youtube in the UK. There is 30minute debate missing from the end of this documentary. This was because this was a special edition of Horizon due to the impact they new the silicone chip would have. If you can find the full version it is worth a listen as you can see how those with the responsibility of this technology knew full well what it meant to society. It is no coincidence that the overpopulation agenda came in at about the same time.
Very happy you see the truth here.. as i do.. and indeed.. WILL the savings of the next step up be passed on to us... not likely.. at ALL! today i heard the the amazon boss earns over 100 mill per DAY! whilst they pay their staff minimum wages!!! ughhh
That is obscene! And folk don't think that poverty is a controlled state. I'm heading your way mate, just hope my daughter will follow me. God knows what is to come.