A Particularly Lucid Dream - Pt1

in #ecotrain7 years ago (edited)



One Man Comes Face to Face with Exactly What He's Been Asking For
(The Voyage Home Series)


(I don't know this place. The Sun is diffused, the land nothing but shades of grey. A face, right in front of me. I feel electricity out to the ends of my feet and hands.)


Hello indeed.

Whoa — I...I know you.

Well yes, of course.

I can't place where I know you from...how do I know you?

You've always known me. Or more correctly... us.

OK I'm really confused.

I am Michael. We are Michael.

I'm, I'm dreaming aren't I? I'm, I'm having a lucid dream!

Yes, and do try to stay calm this time, if you wish not to awaken again.

Yes. Calm. Calm. Yes, this has happened before.

Several times. And each time, your excitability has woken you from this, 'place'.

Yeah...calm. Your face...how do I know you?

My dear Robert, you have always known us.

How? How do you know my name? And why do you refer to yourself as 'we' and 'us'?

We are many, and we've known your name since before it was given to you. We of course know all your names, from each of your experiences within the beautiful illusions.

I — what?

Let us help you. Through meditation and intention, you have been asking our help for guidance or clarity, for some of what you refer to as 'time' now. We are a group of what you might refer to as 'beings of light', which you may collectively refer to as 'Michael', working together in common cause with love, though we are limited by the Universal Law of Freewill. As dearly as we wish to aid you, it is not possible until or unless you ask. Your perseverance has enabled you to reach us through what you might refer to as the 'Gateway to Infinite Awareness' — what you refer to as your 'subconscious', where your dreams reside. And you have indeed been 'asking'.

You're from a higher, a higher dimension!

A higher 'Density', Robert. Densities are equivalent to levels of awareness. Dimensions are alternate, what you might call, 'realities'.

OK, so you're actually a 'group'. But in you, I see what appears to be only one kindly-looking old man?

That is simply what your imagination chose to, as you might say, 'spin up'.


And aspects of your face keep changing.

Only due to your current feeling of being unsettled. Try to still yourself or you'll awaken again. Then ask your question.

My question? So, do I get one question?

You may ask as many questions as you might wish.

Can I ask anything I want?

Yes you may.

OK...am I a third dimension...I mean density, being?

An astute question, and you certainly are. As we are already aware, you have done, as you might say, 'your homework', which we find delightful.

May I ask what density you are of?

You may. We of the group Michael are of various sub-densities of the sixth density.

Wow! So, do you guys not have bodies?

That is correct, we are possessed of neither body nor gender. As beings of light, we have no need of either.

Wow. Wow! OK, um, um, OK... I'm 32 years old, and...

Yes, you are correct.

Wait, ah, that wasn't my question...

We're aware, we were hoping to offer a bit of humor in the style you most like to use, hoping to aid in your settlement, as you are again on the verge of waking yourself from this conversation.

Oh [laughs, collects himself]. OK, thank you. I'm wondering, do you know whether I'll live to be an old man?

We do.

Will you tell me?


No? I thought I could ask anything.

You may.

But you didn't answer.

That is correct.


There are questions whose answers would be an infringement of Freewill.

How would knowing whether I'll live to be old be an infringement?

For third density creatures within their time-space illusion, not having foreknowledge of the length of their current incarnation works as an important catalyst in the learning of lessons, and therefore, evolution of spirit, which is a primary purpose of all incarnations at all densities.

Wow. I think, I think I get that. Alright, so the purpose of life here is to evolve. Is there more to purpose or is that pretty much it?

That would be, as you say, 'pretty much it'.

How is it that we third density beings are to evolve?

Evolution of spirit happens in many ways, but we will elaborate three evolutionary elements of primary importance for your density — finding one's True Self, making The Choice, and finally, realizing and implementing one's True Power.

These sound like serious subjects.

Each element is indeed considerable.

Can I ask about the elements individually?

You may.

What does it really mean to find one's true self? I've heard this concept many times before, but have never really understood it.

For the third density entity, 'finding one's true self' involves two powerful Universal Laws, the 'Law of Being' and the 'Law of One'.

In truth, All entities of all densities are but intelligent energy. Beginning with third density, each energetic entity is possessed of self awareness. Energy is indestructible, and thus so are you. You have always been, and you shall always be. This is law. The 'Law of Being'. Coming to fully realize this truth is essential to 'finding one's self'.

The universal 'Law of One' states that All are of the One, the One being Source. One is All, All are One. In creating the Creation, Source partitioned its awareness into virtually countless illusional entities, and all of us are the result. Each of us experience being at each density. To enable objective experiences, we are gifted with what you might refer to as 'filters'. These filters, in your case biological filters which are your seemingly materialistic vehicles, or 'bodies', ensure that each entity is temporarily blocked from its knowing, such that the experience of the incarnation may be objective, from the point of view of being seemingly separated from all other entities, which of course is the illusion of separation. In the case of third density, there is also the gift of the Veil of Forgetfulness, which for most, blocks memory of past incarnations, for catalytic purposes. This veil is lifted upon entering fourth density, at which point past incarnations are never again forgotten. Coming to fully realize the truth that each is of the One and of one another, and that separation is illusion, is also essential in 'finding one's self'.

Heaven help me.

That is our purpose here.


Ah, you recognized our attempt at third density humor.

Thank you.

It is our, as you might say, 'heartfelt' pleasure. Please continue.

OK, you also mentioned something called The Choice...

All entities, at some point of third density, must make 'The Choice' in order to be ready for moving forward to the fourth density. Until The Choice is made, third density incarnations shall be repeated.

What is this choice?

The Choice is the determination within one's heart and mind as to whether one is to be, ongoing, of service to the All, or to the self.

Well, service to the self sounds rather selfish, so I would choose service to the All.

The Choice is not determined by any verbal declaration, it is determined by the individual's own thoughts and actions. Through the multitude of choices you will make on a day to day basis, your readiness for the next density shall be self-determined, by your true, inner, higher self, whether it be in service to self or All.

Oh my, I've sure had an awful lot of selfish thoughts in my time, and even done my share of selfish deeds. Have I already determined to be of service to self through what I've thought and done? Am I kinda screwed?!

Of course not. No entity is ever, as you say, 'screwed', nothing is ever lost. This is also Law.

Let us, as you might say, 'back up a bit'. Again, All is One. Therefore all is well, all is in balance, and all is exactly as intended. You are an extension of Source, you are perfect, you are more deeply loved than your third density mind could imagine, and you are, and always will be, safe. It is not within the realm of possibility for any entity to experience what is often referred to as 'damnation' of any kind, or at any level. All that is experienced within any given incarnation, is nothing but lessons. All is but energetic awareness, and within the incarnation, lessons are all that truly exist. The rest is illusion. So we suggest you drop any fear of ever being 'screwed'.

As to The Choice, your course will be determined by a conglomeration of your thoughts, actions and choices. You may recall selfish thoughts and deeds, but do not fail to also recall your times of being charitable. You are a father, no?

Yes, my little Trevor is awesome!

And have you not already spent countless hours feeding him, caring for him, teaching him, entertaining him? Do you not spend many hours each week providing for him?

Ah, yeah but...

Not every father does all these things, indeed some do none of them. Have you not always been kind, supportive, loving and respectful of your wife?

Well yeah, I think so. She expresses her appreciation for how I am with her all the time.

And have you not contributed to those who are less fortunate than yourself? Have you not been kind to strangers on many occasions? Have you not taught skills you've learned to friends, co-workers and loved ones so that they might benefit from your expertise?

Well, yeah I guess...

All entities entertain thoughts in favor of the self, this is by design and is good. The individual must thrive in order to carry out the purpose of the incarnation.

OK, well then what determines whether I've chosen selfishness or service to the All?

This is determined by the proportion of time spent, one versus the other. For you to make the Choice of service to self, you would have to spend, by way of your terminology, roughly 95 percent of your efforts in service to benefit only yourself.

Wow, that would be practically all of my time.

Indeed. That is what would be required for you to enter fourth density as a service-to-self entity. Conversely, there is much less effort required in choosing service to the All, a choice which requires anything over and above half of one's efforts being channeled in benefit to others.

OK, um, then do I qualify for service to the All?

That you will have to explore and discover for yourself.

Freewill again?


OK, so 'finding my true self', and now 'making the choice'. What was the last one again?

The third element is 'realizing and implementing one's true power'. By implementing one's true power, the finding of the True Self and the making of the Choice can be, as you might say, 'taken to another level'. Finding this power enables one to dramatically strengthen one's efforts in all things within the apparent physical world. For many, it would appear to be 'breaking the rules'.

Wow! Can you elaborate?

We can. Simply put, with your true power, you will have, be and do anything you might wish.



Whoa — I mean — I, I can't even imagine — I mean — well...

Robert, you might wish to try to still yourself.

But wait — could I even — oh my, the possibilities! — I gotta...

[Wakes up, freezes in place, recognizes his bedroom]

Aw shit, I did it again!


If you've enjoyed Part 1, please go check out Part 2!

Note: This vision is based upon my research which includes (but is not limited to) channeled material (ooh, scary) from works featuring 'Ra' (L/L Research) and 'Abraham' (Esther & Jerry Hicks). The story is fictional. The lessons are real.


This series is my contribution to the body of work that is now well in progress around the world. And maybe, just maybe help provide the spark for more to begin implementing the changes that lead us all back to that place of comfort and love, a new Earth, virtually devoid of pain and fear. Together.
It's not easy, but it is simple and wonderful.
It's The Voyage Home.

In Love and Service,

from the Bottom of my Heart

-Logan @aware007



oh how special! its like a logan's version of conversations with god! Love it! some great life lessons to learn here sir!

I hope this encourages you to keep writing amazing posts and making this world a better place!.

Congratulations @aware007 your post had been selected for an upvote worth ~$1.60 as part of the @ecoTrain minnow support project. Your upvote will come soon!

Thank you SO MUCH Alex!!! I've been looking very forward to doing this sub-series, but since publishing the first piece, I've been a bit anxious about how it might be received. Knowing that you (at least) get it and appreciate it seriously means a TON to me. Gives me a little shot of needed confidence.
And thanks so much also for the upvote, it of course really helps a wee plankton!
Much love and continued healing to you in India,

I was thinking about lucid Lucy last night but nothing much happened so I went to sleep...Anyway, here's a penny for you...

Hahaha thank you sir!