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RE: ecoTrain Question Of The Week: What is Patriarchy: a society led by men or a ....

in #ecotrain7 years ago

Patriarchy is a term coined by feminism to have a boogy-man to blame all of their woes upon.

If you wish to find out who rules over you, find out who you are not allowed to question. Men are questioned all the time. Men are belittled all the time.

The largest voting block, that is never talked about is "single women". Women live longer and women vote more often. So, if we were to point fingers at how someone got elected, point them at women.

Women prefer men to be "in charge", to be the face, that they can turn in the direction they wish. Women do not like to show their power, or their hand.

So, really, what is patriarchy? Harsh, rugged, environments.
A woman can live alone, only in an environment that has already been prepared by many men before her.

Why are women upset? Because, the reality is, if they were left alone, to their own devices and their own skills, the harsh, rugged environment would eat them alive. Thus, they need men. And, they are supposed to be "strong and independent." But, their bodies are not made for that. So, they are angry.

And, they won't face up to their own reality, they instead, turn their anger outwards. It must be men's fault.

Fortunately, with all of the technology and infrastructure that men designed, built and maintain, women can now live on their own if they choose.

With piped water, and electric and gas powered tools, women now have enough leverage that they can grow enough food for themselves.